S.L.N. Hermans

13 records found


Entangling remote qubits using the single-photon protocol

An in-depth theoretical and experimental study

The generation of entanglement between remote matter qubits has developed into a key capability for fundamental investigations as well as for emerging quantum technologies. In the single-photon, protocol entanglement is heralded by generation of qubit-photon entangled states a ...

We report on the realization of a multi-node quantum network. Using the network, we have demonstrated three protocols; generation of a entangled state shared by all nodes, entanglement swapping and quantum teleportation between non-neighboring nodes.


Future quantum internet applications will derive their power from the ability to share quantum information across the network1,2. Quantum teleportation allows for the reliable transfer of quantum information between distant nodes, even in the presence of highly loss ...

Scaling current quantum communication demonstrations to a large-scale quantum network will require not only advancements in quantum hardware capabilities, but also robust control of such devices to bridge the gap in user demand. Moreover, the abstraction of tasks and services ...

A future quantum internet will bring revolutionary opportunities. In a quantum internet, information will be represented using qubits. These qubits obey the rules of quantum mechanics. The possibilities to create superposition and entangled states, and to perform projective measu ...

The distribution of entangled states across the nodes of a future quantum internet will unlock fundamentally new technologies. Here, we report on the realization of a three-node entanglement-based quantum network. We combine remote quantum nodes based on diamond communication ...

Entanglement-based quantum networks will provide exciting opportunities for science and engineering. Here, we report the realization of a three-node quantum network by generating distributed multi-partite entangled states and performing entanglement swapping through an interme ...

We report on the realization and verification of quantum entanglement between a nitrogen-vacancy electron spin qubit and a telecom-band photonic qubit. First we generate entanglement between the spin qubit and a 637 nm photonic time-bin qubit, followed by photonic quantum freq ...

We experimentally demonstrate the preservation of entanglement between an NV spin and a photon upon quantum frequency conversion to the Telecom band. This is a crucial step in realizing long-distance quantum networks.
