M.T. Ruf
15 records found
We demonstrate coherent coupling of a single diamond Tin-Vacancy center to a fiber-based microcavity, showing a cavity transmission dip of 50 % on resonance, and altered photon statistics in cavity transmission.@en
We report on the realization of a fiber-based microcavity, exhibiting low cavity length fluctuations in combination with full spatial and spectral tunability. The microcavity is used to demonstrate Purcell-enhancement of diamond Tin-Vacancy centers.@en
We present our optimized diamond fabrication process based on quasi-isotropic crystal-plane-dependent reactive-ion-etching at low and high temperature plasma regime. We demonstrate successful integration of SnV centers in diamond waveguides showing quantum non-linear effects. We
We show diamond Tin-Vacancy centers, coherently-coupled to a tunable microcavity. The exceptional optical properties of this emitter in combination with a stable, high quality cavity enables a cavity transmission signal modulated by a single emitter.@en
Open microcavities offer great potential for the exploration and utilization of efficient spin-photon interfaces with Purcell-enhanced quantum emitters thanks to their large spectral and spatial tunability combined with high versatility of sample integration. However, a major cha
Efficient coupling of optically active qubits to optical cavities is a key challenge for solid-state-based quantum optics experiments and future quantum technologies. Here we present a quantum photonic interface based on a single tin-vacancy center in a micrometer-thin diamond me
The nitrogen-vacancy (N-V) center in diamond has been established as a prime building block for quantum networks. However, scaling beyond a few network nodes is currently limited by low spin-photon entanglement rates, resulting from the N-V center's low probability of coherent ph
With the ability to transfer and process quantum information, large-scale quantum networks will enable a suite of fundamentally new applications, from quantum communications to distributed sensing, metrology, and computing. This Perspective reviews requirements for quantum networ
With their ability to process and transfer quantum information, large-scale entanglement-based quantum networks could be at the heart of a new age of quantum information, enabling fundamentally new applications such as distributed quantum computation, quantum communication, and q
Controlling magnon densities in magnetic materials enables driving spin transport in magnonic devices. We demonstrate the creation of large, out-of-equilibrium magnon densities in a thin-film magnetic insulator via microwave excitation of coherent spin waves and subsequent multim
The advancement of quantum optical science and technology with solid-state emitters such as nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond critically relies on the coherence of the emitters' optical transitions. A widely employed strategy to create NV centers at precisely controlled lo
Diamond membrane devices containing optically coherent nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers are key to enable novel cryogenic experiments such as optical ground-state cooling of hybrid spin-mechanical systems and efficient entanglement distribution in quantum networks. Here, we report o
Near-term quantum-repeater experiments with nitrogen-vacancy centers
Overcoming the limitations of direct transmission
Quantum channels enable the implementation of communication tasks inaccessible to their classical counterparts. The most famous example is the distribution of secret key. However, in the absence of quantum repeaters, the rate at which these tasks can be performed is dictated by t
Defect centres in diamond are promising building blocks for quantum networks thanks to a long-lived spin state and bright spin-photon interface. However, their low fraction of emission into a desired optical mode limits the entangling success probability. The key to overcoming th