J.M. Brevoord
11 records found
We present our optimized diamond fabrication process based on quasi-isotropic crystal-plane-dependent reactive-ion-etching at low and high temperature plasma regime. We demonstrate successful integration of SnV centers in diamond waveguides showing quantum non-linear effects. We
Color centers integrated with nanophotonic devices have emerged as a compelling platform for quantum science and technology. Here, we integrate tin-vacancy centers in a diamond waveguide and investigate the interaction with light at the single-photon level in both reflection and
We demonstrate heralded initialization of charge state and optical transition frequency of diamond tin-vacancy centers, using (off-)resonant lasers, photon detection and real-time logic. Using this, we show frequency tunability > 100 MHz and strongly improved optical coherence
We demonstrate coherent coupling of a single diamond Tin-Vacancy center to a fiber-based microcavity, showing a cavity transmission dip of 50 % on resonance, and altered photon statistics in cavity transmission.@en
Open microcavities offer great potential for the exploration and utilization of efficient spin-photon interfaces with Purcell-enhanced quantum emitters thanks to their large spectral and spatial tunability combined with high versatility of sample integration. However, a major cha
Diamond tin-vacancy centers have emerged as a promising platform for quantum information science and technology. A key challenge for their use in more-complex quantum experiments and scalable applications is the ability to prepare the center in the desired charge state with the o
We show coupling of an SnV center to a diamond waveguide of 20% with almost transform-limited optical transitions. Besides, we show control over the SnV spin qubit and extend its coherence to over a millisecond.@en
We report on the realization of a fiber-based microcavity, exhibiting low cavity length fluctuations in combination with full spatial and spectral tunability. The microcavity is used to demonstrate Purcell-enhancement of diamond Tin-Vacancy centers.@en
Efficient coupling of optically active qubits to optical cavities is a key challenge for solid-state-based quantum optics experiments and future quantum technologies. Here we present a quantum photonic interface based on a single tin-vacancy center in a micrometer-thin diamond me
We show diamond Tin-Vacancy centers, coherently-coupled to a tunable microcavity. The exceptional optical properties of this emitter in combination with a stable, high quality cavity enables a cavity transmission signal modulated by a single emitter.@en
We fabricate single tin-vacancy centres in diamond, we perform spectroscopy and coherent population trapping to verify optical driving of the spin states. We investigate the integration in diamond waveguides to realise an efficient spin-photon interface.@en