Leonardo G.C. Wienhoven

4 records found

We demonstrate coherent coupling of a single diamond Tin-Vacancy center to a fiber-based microcavity, showing a cavity transmission dip of 50 % on resonance, and altered photon statistics in cavity transmission.@en
Efficient coupling of optically active qubits to optical cavities is a key challenge for solid-state-based quantum optics experiments and future quantum technologies. Here we present a quantum photonic interface based on a single tin-vacancy center in a micrometer-thin diamond me ...
We show diamond Tin-Vacancy centers, coherently-coupled to a tunable microcavity. The exceptional optical properties of this emitter in combination with a stable, high quality cavity enables a cavity transmission signal modulated by a single emitter.@en
We report on the realization of a fiber-based microcavity, exhibiting low cavity length fluctuations in combination with full spatial and spectral tunability. The microcavity is used to demonstrate Purcell-enhancement of diamond Tin-Vacancy centers.@en