T.H. Taminiau
41 records found
In the search for scalable, fault-tolerant quantum computing, distributed quantum computers are promising candidates. These systems can be realized in large-scale quantum networks or condensed onto a single chip with closely situated nodes. We present a framework for numerical si
We discuss measurements on single NV centers in isotopically purified diamond and show coherent optical transitions combined with enhanced electron and carbon spin coherence. These results open avenues for new quantum network applications.@en
Striving toward a scalable quantum processor, this article presents the first cryo-CMOS quantum bit (qubit) controller targeting color centers in diamond. Color-center qubits enable a modular architecture that allows for the 3-D integration of photonics, cryo-CMOS control electro
Nuclear quadrupolar resonance (NQR) spectroscopy reveals chemical bonding patterns in materials and molecules through the unique coupling between nuclear spins and local fields. However, traditional NQR techniques require macroscopic ensembles of nuclei to yield a detectable sign
Spins associated to optically accessible solid-state defects have emerged as a versatile platform for exploring quantum simulation, quantum sensing and quantum communication. Pioneering experiments have shown the sensing, imaging, and control of multiple nuclear spins surrounding
The field of nanoscale magnetic resonance imaging (NanoMRI) was started 30 years ago. It was motivated by the desire to image single molecules and molecular assemblies, such as proteins and virus particles, with near-atomic spatial resolution and on a length scale of 100 nm. Over
We realize high-fidelity gates for the two-qubit system formed by NV center. Using gate set tomography, we report gate fidelities exceeding 99%, and analyze the origin of the errors.@en
Color-center quantum bits (qubits), such as the Nitrogen-Vacancy center (NV) in diamond, have demonstrated entanglement between remote (>1.3km) qubits and excellent coherence times [1], all while operating at a few Kelvins. Compared to other qubit technologies typically operat
Hyperpolarization of nuclear spins
Polarization blockade
Efficient hyperpolarization of nuclear spins via optically active defect centers, such as the nitrogen vacancy (NV) center in diamond, has great potential for enhancing NMR-based quantum information processing and nanoscale magnetic resonance imaging. Recently, pulse-based protoc
Quantum networks can enable quantum communication and modular quantum computation. A powerful approach is to use multi-qubit nodes that provide quantum memory and computational power. Nuclear spins associated with defects in diamond are promising qubits for this role. However, de
The use of the nuclear spins surrounding electron spin qubits as quantum registers and long-lived memories opens the way to new applications in quantum information and biological sensing. Hence, there is a need for generic and robust forms of control of the nuclear registers. Alt
Solid-state spin qubits is a promising platform for quantum computation and quantum networks1,2. Recent experiments have demonstrated high-quality control over multi-qubit systems3–8, elementary quantum algorithms8–11 and non-fault-tolerant error
We demonstrate interference of photons emitted by remote, spectrally distinct NV-centers. Quantum frequency conversion at the nodes brings the photons to the same wavelength in the telecom L-band, compatible with entanglement generation at metropolitan scale.@en
Understanding and protecting the coherence of individual quantum systems is a central challenge in quantum science and technology. Over the past decades, a rich variety of methods to extend coherence have been developed. A complementary approach is to look for naturally occurring
Entanglement distribution over quantum networks has the promise of realizing fundamentally new technologies. Entanglement between separated quantum processing nodes has been achieved on several experimental platforms in the past decade. To move toward metropolitan-scale quantum n
Optically accessible spins associated with defects in diamond provide a versatile platform for quantum science and technology. These spins combine multiple key characteristics, including long quantum coherence times, operation up to room temperature, and the capability to create
The detection of nuclear spins using individual electron spins has enabled diverse opportunities in quantum sensing and quantum information processing. Proof-of-principle experiments have demonstrated atomic-scale imaging of nuclear-spin samples and controlled multi-qubit registe
A promising approach for multi-qubit quantum registers is to use optically addressable spins to control multiple dark electron-spin defects in the environment. While recent experiments have observed signatures of coherent interactions with such dark spins, it is an open challenge
The discrete time crystal (DTC) is a nonequilibrium phase of matter that spontaneously breaks timetranslation symmetry. Disorder-induced many-body localization can stabilize the DTC phase by breaking ergodicity and preventing thermalization. Here, we observe the hallmark signatur