A. Teepe
4 records found
Superconductors are materials with zero electrical resistivity and the ability to expel magnetic fields, which is known as the Meissner effect. Their dissipationless diamagnetic response is central to magnetic levitation and circuits such as quantum interference devices. In this
Quantum sensing has developed into a main branch of quantum science and technology. It aims at measuring physical quantities with high resolution, sensitivity, and dynamic range. Electron spins in diamond are powerful magnetic field sensors, but their sensitivity in the microwave
Entanglement distribution over quantum networks has the promise of realizing fundamentally new technologies. Entanglement between separated quantum processing nodes has been achieved on several experimental platforms in the past decade. To move toward metropolitan-scale quantum n
We demonstrate interference of photons emitted by remote, spectrally distinct NV-centers. Quantum frequency conversion at the nodes brings the photons to the same wavelength in the telecom L-band, compatible with entanglement generation at metropolitan scale.@en