K.N. Schymik

4 records found

We discuss measurements on single NV centers in isotopically purified diamond and show coherent optical transitions combined with enhanced electron and carbon spin coherence. These results open avenues for new quantum network applications.@en
Striving toward a scalable quantum processor, this article presents the first cryo-CMOS quantum bit (qubit) controller targeting color centers in diamond. Color-center qubits enable a modular architecture that allows for the 3-D integration of photonics, cryo-CMOS control electro ...
Color-center quantum bits (qubits), such as the Nitrogen-Vacancy center (NV) in diamond, have demonstrated entanglement between remote (>1.3km) qubits and excellent coherence times [1], all while operating at a few Kelvins. Compared to other qubit technologies typically operat ...