B.J. Hensen

15 records found

The rapid development of quantum information processors has accelerated the demand for technologies that enable quantum networking. One promising approach uses mechanical resonators as an intermediary between microwave and optical fields. Signals from a superconducting, topologic ...
Quantum teleportation is a key component in long distance quantum communication protocols. Here we demonstrate quantum teleportation of a polarization-encoded optical input state onto the joint state of a pair of nanomechanical resonators. @en
Quantum teleportation, the faithful transfer of an unknown input state onto a remote quantum system1, is a key component in long-distance quantum communication protocols2 and distributed quantum computing3,4. At the same time, high-frequency nano- ...
We present a discrete-variable quantum teleportation scheme using pulsed optomechanics. In our proposal, we demonstrate how an unknown optical input state can be transferred onto the joint state of a pair of mechanical oscillators, without physically interacting with one another. ...
Nanofabricated mechanical resonators are gaining significant momentum among potential quantum technologies due to their unique design freedom and independence from naturally occurring resonances. As their functionality is widely detached from material choice, they constitute idea ...
Silicon quantum dot spin qubits provide a promising platform for large-scale quantum computation because of their compatibility with conventional CMOS manufacturing and the long coherence times accessible using 28Si enriched material. A scalable error-corrected quantum processor, ...
We report on the fabrication and characterization of a Fabry-Perot microcavity enclosing a thin diamond membrane at cryogenic temperatures. The cavity is designed to enhance resonant emission of single nitrogen-vacancy centers by allowing spectral and spatial tuning while preserv ...
Reliable quantum information processing in the face of errors is a major fundamental and technological challenge. Quantum error correction protects quantum states by encoding a logical quantum bit (qubit) in multiple physical qubits. To be compatible with universal fault-tolerant ...
In this thesis we experimentally investigate quantum nonlocality: entangled states of spatially separated objects. Entanglement is one of the most striking consequences of the quantum formalism developed in the 1920's; the predicted outcomes of independent measurements on entangl ...
In July 2015 we observed the first Bell inequality violation with all experimental loopholes closed. We discuss this experiment as well as new results on the road towards a large-scale quantum network of diamond spins.@en

Loophole-free Bell test using electron spins in diamond

Second experiment and additional analysis

The recently reported violation of a Bell inequality using entangled electronic spins in diamonds (Hensen et al., Nature 526, 682–686) provided the first loophole-free evidence against local-realist theories of nature. Here we report on data from a second Bell experiment using th ...