G. Eitelberg

16 records found

In recent years, the civil aviation sector has increasingly focused on optimizing propulsion designs to improve efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions. Propellers have regained attention for their superior efficiency, particularly in applications like full-electric aircra ...
To make propellers more viable as a greener alternative to jet engines, the issue of propeller noise needs to be addressed. Previous propeller design optimization studies rarely take into account the effects on aerodynamic and aeroacoustic performance due to non-uniform inflow, t ...
In the global search to more sustainable developments, research in the field of propeller propulsion systems is experiencing a renewed interest. The combination of efficiency and noise production is not studied as extensively as propeller efficiency alone in past studies. In this ...

Improved modeling of propeller-wing interactions with a lifting-line approach

Investigation of a suitable correction method to account for the finite slipstream height

Propellers have a high propulsive efficiency and can help in the reduction of fuel consumption of aircraft. For propellers which are mounted in front of the wing, the interaction of the slipstream with the lifting surfaces can alter the lift distribution significantly. In the use ...
In this thesis project, it is investigated to what extent the energy consumption of an electric aircraft can be improved by using a variable pitch and RPM propeller, including energy recuperation during the descent, with respect to a constant pitch propeller. The largest percenta ...
This thesis experimentally assesses the benefit of Boundary Layer Ingestion (BLI) at the unaccelerated condition (thrust equals drag) of an integrated system in an industrial wind tunnel setting. The boundary layer or wake flow of the fuselage is ingested by the propulsor. Previo ...
Large Eddy Simulations (LES) of a novel type of wing/body junction called the anti-fairing are performed in the current thesis to study the complex turbulent flow physics involved in the junction area and also to obtain a clear understanding of the drag reduction capabilities of ...
The longitudinal characteristics of a multi cranked wing in tandem with a canard were investigated on a 2\% scaled generic, modular wind tunnel model in the 2.85m x 2.85m Open Jet Facility (OJF) at Delft University of Technology. The experimental campaign yielded force, moment an ...
With the goal of decreasing the environmental impact of aircraft, ducted propellers emerge as an efficient propulsive alternative. Ducts are able to increase the thrust to power ratio of a propeller system by both producing thrust and/or lowering tip losses of propellers. In this ...
The Flying V is a concept proposed and patented by Benad and Airbus Operations GmbH, which is a flying wing aircraft in the shape of the letter V. Multiple researches already showed promising results, with a 25% increased lift over drag ratio compared to conventional aircraft lik ...
Increasing pressure of reducing fuel consumption has led to renewed interests in propeller propulsion devices for their high propulsive efficiency. In a propeller propulsion system, the torque applied to the propeller results in angular momentum in propeller slipstream. This angu ...

The Flow Topology of the Ahmed Body in Cross-Wind

An Experimental Investigation by means of Robotic Volumetric PIV

The near wake of the Ahmed reference body in the presence of steady cross-wind is investigated experimentally by means of large-scale three-dimensional Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). A novel experimental technique is employed which exploits coaxial imaging and illumination whi ...

Vortex-Surface Interactions

An experimental investigation and the development of a conceptual vortex-surface interaction model

The high efficiency of open rotor propulsion has led to a comeback of propeller propulsion systems in recent years. The main issue preventing wide application of the technology is its high noise level. One of the main contributors to this noise is the pressure fluctuations genera ...
As the complexity of high-tech systems continuously increases, engineers look for possibilities to reduce time and cost of the development of these systems. Architecture-based design enables a front-loaded design process with knowledge reuse. By enabling the automatic synthesis o ...

Reduced-order modelling for prediction of aircraft flight dynamics

Based on indicial step response functions investigating agile aircraft undergoing rapid manoeuvres

During aircraft design,multiple tools are utilised to inspect the performance of the configuration. As the design matures, higher fidelity analyses are conducted to predict the flight dynamics of the aircraft. These analyses are conducted by using semi-empirical relations, numeri ...

Characterization of junction flow under the influence of passive flow control devices

An experimental study with large-scale tomographic PTV technique

Junction flow denotes the fluid phenomenon where the flow on a flat surface encounters a protuberance. This type of flow, which is highly three-dimensional, turbulent and unsteady, usually leads to the generation of a Horseshoe vortex at the obstacle's leading edge. Existing exte ...