Enabling an architecture-based design approach for multi-body simulation of complex systems

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As the complexity of high-tech systems continuously increases, engineers look for possibilities to reduce time and cost of the development of these systems. Architecture-based design enables a front-loaded design process with knowledge reuse. By enabling the automatic synthesis of simulation models, different configurations of an architecture can be realized and simulated efficiently. Current practices are found in the automotive and aerospace industry where architecture-based design is used for the automatic synthesis of multi-physics simulation models. In this way, different architecture options and simulation model variations can be efficiently investigated early in the development process. Multi-body simulations are also frequently used in the conceptual design of complex mechatronic systems. However a suitable methodology to synthesize their simulation models is lacking.

In this thesis, a methodology is developed that makes three necessary improvements to an existing approach that can synthesize only multi-physics models. Firstly, the existing approach assumed that the order of synthesis of the architecture was irrelevant. However, the use of modular and independent simulation models breaks associative links. Therefore, an additional sorting algorithm needs to be introduced during the synthesis of the architecture. An initial successful attempt is made by adding an implementation of Kahn's algorithm. A second addition of the thesis is the definition of a formalized modelling process for modular multi-body simulation models. The formalized process guarantees that the interfaces between simulation models will always work. It also simplifies the modelling approach which leads to the third improvement: clarity of design intent. A procedure was developed and automated that takes away the burden of creating interfaces between simulation models. Consequently, the modeller can focus fully on creating robust models with clear design intent.

The developed methodology is verified with a case study on the conceptual design of a trailing-edge high-lift system. An architecture is defined and parameterized multi-body simulation models are created that realize the components of the architecture. Besides the components that actuate the flap, such as gearboxes, shafts and a motor, four different deployment mechanism types are modelled. The parameterized geometry of the simulation models adapts automatically in order to provide the correct flap trajectory and to form a consistent simulation model. A tool synthesizes automatically all architecture configurations. Interface forces and moments between bodies can be inspected directly and the required actuation torque is found. The sizing of the components is not performed.

The methodology is evaluated for knowledge reuse. For the case-study, this leads from 41\% up to 92\% of reuse of simulation models. However, before these results can be generalized, a trade-off needs to be made from case to case between the time that is saved by the automatic synthesis of simulation models and the time it takes to create the architecture and the compatible simulation models. It can be concluded that the developed methodology enables an architecture-based design approach for complex multi-body simulation models. Furthermore, the methodology is advantageous compared to a traditional design process where all system configurations have to be modelled and analyzed individually.


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