101 records found
Precipitatie coarsening-induced plasticity: low temperature creep behaviour of tempered SAE 52100
High-temperature tensile tests and activation volume measurement of free-standing submicron Al films
Transient creep in free-standing thin polycrystalline aluminum films
Phase transformations in Al-Cu thin films: Precipitation and copper redistribution.
Negative resistance contribution of a domain-wall structure in a constricted geometry.
Temperature and angular dependence of the anisotropic magnetoresistance in epitaxal Fe films.
Positive domain-wall magnetoresistance of ferromagnetic point contacts.
Local Probing of the Giant Magneto resistance.
Tunneling Spectroscopy Study and Modelling of Electron Transport in Small Conjugated Azomethine Molecules.
Magnetoresistance fluctuations in short n-type Si/SiGe heterostructure wires.
The influence of strain relaxation on the electrical properties of Si/SiGe resonant tunneling diodes.
Local Probing of the Giant Magnetoresistance.
Influence of the passivation material on Stress voiding in AI-Cu alloys.
Localized stress near and the thermal expansion of AI 2 Cu precipitates in an AI thin film matrix.
Self-assembly of phi conjugated azomethine oligomers by sequential deposition of monomers from solution.
Self-Assembly of pi-Conjugated azomethine oligomers by sequential deposition of monomers from solution.
Micron-sized hall probes on a Si/SiGe heterostructure as a tool study vortex dynamics in high-temperature superconducting crystals.
Giant magnetoresistance of magnetic multilayer point contacts.
Role of boundary conditions and dimensions on the micromagnetics of a cobalt point contact.
Kinetcs of copper forcefill.