C.A. Volk
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Future quantum computers capable of solving relevant problems will require a large number of qubits that can be operated reliably1. However, the requirements of having a large qubit count and operating with high fidelity are typically conflicting. Spins in semiconductor quantum dots show long-term promise2,3 but demonstrations so far use between one and four qubits and typically optimize the fidelity of either single- or two-qubit operations, or initialization and readout4-11. Here, we increase the number of qubits and simultaneously achieve respectable fidelities for universal operation, state preparation and measurement. We design, fabricate and operate a six-qubit processor with a focus on careful Hamiltonian engineering, on a high level of abstraction to program the quantum circuits, and on efficient background calibration, all of which are essential to achieve high fidelities on this extended system. State preparation combines initialization by measurement and real-time feedback with quantum-non-demolition measurements. These advances will enable testing of increasingly meaningful quantum protocols and constitute a major stepping stone towards large-scale quantum computers.
@enElectrons and holes confined in quantum dots define excellent building blocks for quantum emergence, simulation, and computation. Silicon and germanium are compatible with standard semiconductor manufacturing and contain stable isotopes with zero nuclear spin, thereby serving as excellent hosts for spins with long quantum coherence. Here, we demonstrate quantum dot arrays in a silicon metal-oxide-semiconductor (SiMOS), strained silicon (Si/SiGe), and strained germanium (Ge/SiGe). We fabricate using a multi-layer technique to achieve tightly confined quantum dots and compare integration processes. While SiMOS can benefit from a larger temperature budget and Ge/SiGe can make an Ohmic contact to metals, the overlapping gate structure to define the quantum dots can be based on a nearly identical integration. We realize charge sensing in each platform, for the first time in Ge/SiGe, and demonstrate fully functional linear and two-dimensional arrays where all quantum dots can be depleted to the last charge state. In Si/SiGe, we tune a quintuple quantum dot using the N + 1 method to simultaneously reach the few electron regime for each quantum dot. We compare capacitive crosstalk and find it to be the smallest in SiMOS, relevant for the tuning of quantum dot arrays. We put these results into perspective for quantum technology and identify industrial qubits, hybrid technology, automated tuning, and two-dimensional qubit arrays as four key trajectories that, when combined, enable fault-tolerant quantum computation.
@enQuantum dot arrays are a versatile platform for the implementation of spin qubits, as high-bandwidth sensor dots can be integrated with single-, double-, and triple-dot qubits yielding fast and high-fidelity qubit readout. However, for undoped silicon devices, reflectometry off sensor ohmics suffers from the finite resistivity of the two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG), and alternative readout methods are limited to measuring qubit capacitance, rather than qubit charge. By coupling a surface-mount resonant circuit to the plunger gate of a high-impedance sensor, we realized a fast charge sensing technique that is compatible with resistive 2DEGs. We demonstrate this by acquiring at high speed charge stability diagrams of double- and triple-dot arrays in Si/SiGe heterostructures as well as pulsed-gate single-shot charge and spin readout with integration times as low as 2.4 μs.
@enSpins in gate-defined silicon quantum dots are at the forefront of solid-state qubit research. We characterize top-gated devices fabricated from Si/SiGe heterostructures, demonstrating the formation of stable double and triple quantum dots with proximal charge-sensing dots. We also demonstrate fabrication of linear dot arrays with overlapping gate technology, thereby significantly increasing the density of control electrodes relative to our single-gate-layer devices.
@enQuantum computing's value proposition of an exponential speedup in computing power for certain applications has propelled a vast array of research across the globe. While several different physical implementations of device level qubits are being investigated, semiconductor spin qubits have many similarities to scaled transistors. In this article, we discuss the device/integration of full 300mm based spin qubit devices. This includes the development of (i) a 28 Si epitaxial module ecosystem for growing isotopically pure substrates with among the best Hall mobility at these oxide thicknesses, (ii) a custom 300mm qubit testchip and integration/device line, and (iii) a novel dual nested gate integration process for creating quantum dots.
@enElectrostatically defined quantum dot arrays offer a compelling platform for quantum computation and simulation. However, tuning up such arrays with existing techniques becomes impractical when going beyond a handful of quantum dots. Here, we present a method for systematically adding quantum dots to an array one dot at a time, in such a way that the number of electrons on previously formed dots is unaffected. The method allows individual control of the number of electrons on each of the dots, as well as of the interdot tunnel rates. We use this technique to tune up a linear array of eight GaAs quantum dots such that they are occupied by one electron each. This new method overcomes a critical bottleneck in scaling up quantum-dot based qubit registers.