S. Goswami

24 records found

Majorana bound states are expected to appear in one-dimensional semiconductor-superconductor hybrid systems, provided they are homogeneous enough to host a global topological phase. In order to experimentally investigate the uniformity of the system, we study the spatial dependen ...
Quantum interference of electron tunneling occurs in any system where multiple tunneling paths connect states. This unavoidably arises in two-dimensional semiconducting qubit arrays, and must be controlled as a prerequisite for the manipulation and readout of hybrid topological a ...
Bilayer graphene encapsulated in tungsten diselenide can host a weak topological phase with pairs of helical edge states. The electrical tunability of this phase makes it an ideal platform to investigate unique topological effects at zero magnetic field, such as topological super ...
Artificial Kitaev chains can be used to engineer Majorana bound states (MBSs) in superconductor–semiconductor hybrids1,2,3,4. In this work, we realize a two-site Kitaev chain in a two-dimensional electron gas by coupling two quantum dots through a region proximitized by a superco ...
We study a phase-tunable four-terminal Josephson junction formed in an InSbAs two-dimensional electron gas proximitized by aluminum. By embedding the two pairs of junction terminals in asymmetric DC superconducting quantum-interference devices (SQUIDs) we can control the supercon ...
Cooper pairs occupy the ground state of superconductors and are typically composed of maximally entangled electrons with opposite spin. In order to study the spin and entanglement properties of these electrons, one must separate them spatially via a process known as Cooper pair s ...
Bilayer graphene (BLG) was recently shown to host a band-inverted phase with unconventional topology emerging from the Ising-type spin-orbit interaction (SOI) induced by the proximity of transition metal dichalcogenides with large intrinsic SOI. Here, we report the stabilization ...
Tunneling spectroscopy measurements are often used to probe the energy spectrum of Andreev bound states (ABSs) in semiconductor-superconductor hybrids. Recently, this spectroscopy technique has been incorporated into planar Josephson junctions (JJs) formed in two-dimensional elec ...
Topological superconductivity can be engineered in semiconductors with strong spin-orbit interaction coupled to a superconductor. Experimental advances in this field have often been triggered by the development of new hybrid material systems. Among these, two-dimensional electron ...
Indium-antimonide (InSb) two-dimensional electron gases (2DEGs) have a unique combination of material properties: high electron mobility, a strong spin-orbit interaction, a large Landé g factor, and a small effective mass. This makes them an attractive platform to explore a varie ...
Planar Josephson junctions (JJs) made in semiconductor quantum wells with large spin-orbit coupling are capable of hosting topological superconductivity. Indium antimonide (InSb) two-dimensional electron gases (2DEGs) are particularly suited for this due to their large Landé g-fa ...
One of the hallmark experiments of quantum transport is the observation of the quantized resistance in a point contact in GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures. Being formed with split gate technology, these structures represent in an ideal manner equilibrium reservoirs which are connecte ...
Circuit quantum electrodynamics has proven to be a powerful tool to probe mesoscopic effects in hybrid systems and is used in several quantum computing (QC) proposals that require a transmon qubit able to operate in strong magnetic fields. To address this we integrate monolayer g ...
Novel physical phenomena arising at the interface of complex oxide heterostructures offer exciting opportunities for the development of future electronic devices. Using the prototypical LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface as a model system, we employ a single-step litho ...
The current-phase relation (CPR) of a Josephson junction (JJ) determines how the supercurrent evolves with the superconducting phase difference across the junction. Knowledge of the CPR is essential in order to understand the response of a JJ to various external parameters. Despi ...
Semiconductor nanowires have opened new research avenues in quantum transport owing to their confined geometry and electrostatic tunability. They have offered an exceptional testbed for superconductivity, leading to the realization of hybrid systems combining the macroscopic quan ...
We report the etching of and electronic transport in nanoribbons of graphene sandwiched between atomically flat hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN). The etching of ribbons of varying width was achieved with a focused beam of 30 keV He+ ions. Using in-situ electrical measure ...
The two-dimensional superconductor that forms at the interface between the complex oxides lanthanum aluminate (LAO) and strontium titanate (STO) has several intriguing properties that set it apart from conventional superconductors. Most notably, an electric field can be used to t ...
The impact of the intrinsic time-dependent fluctuations in the electrical resistance at the graphene-metal interface or the contact noise, on the performance of graphene field-effect transistors, can be as adverse as the contact resistance itself, but remains largely unexplored. ...