Dieter Koelle
4 records found
We experimentally investigate superconducting coplanar waveguide resonators in external magnetic fields and present two strategies to reduce field-induced dissipation channels and resonance frequency shifts. One of our approaches is to significantly reduce the superconducting gro
The current-phase relation (CPR) of a Josephson junction (JJ) determines how the supercurrent evolves with the superconducting phase difference across the junction. Knowledge of the CPR is essential in order to understand the response of a JJ to various external parameters. Despi
Ensembles of trapped atoms interacting with on-chip microwave resonators are considered as promising systems for the realization of quantum memories, novel quantum gates, and interfaces between the microwave and optical regime. Here, we demonstrate coupling of magnetically trappe
The two-dimensional superconductor that forms at the interface between the complex oxides lanthanum aluminate (LAO) and strontium titanate (STO) has several intriguing properties that set it apart from conventional superconductors. Most notably, an electric field can be used to t