Y. Yuan
84 records found
Integrated engineering education through design activities
A signal phase module design case study for traffic engineering course
This article presents an integrated educational module for undergraduate traffic engineering at the microscale level. When dealing with a complex transportation system, the education program should cultivate students’ acquisition of both in-depth traffic specialization and breadt
The multi-dimensional challenges of controlling respiratory virus transmission in indoor spaces
Insights from the linkage of a microscopic pedestrian simulation and SARS-CoV-2 transmission model
SARS-CoV-2 transmission in indoor spaces, where most infection events occur, depends on the types and duration of human interactions, among others. Understanding how these human behaviours interface with virus characteristics to drive pathogen transmission and dictate the outcome
The emergence of electric vehicles (EV) presents new opportunities for transportation decarburization and sustainable transportation in cities worldwide. However, previous research has primarily focused on EV charging infrastructures within urban areas, with limited attention to
Using pedestrian modelling to inform virus transmission mitigation policies
A novel activity scheduling model to enable virus transmission risk assessment in a restaurant environment
The Covid-19 pandemic has had a large impact on the world. The virus spreads especially easily among people in indoor spaces such as restaurants. Hence, tools that can assess how different restaurant settings can impact the potential spread of an airborne virus and that can asses
Bicycle Data-Driven Application Framework
A Dutch Case Study on Machine Learning-Based Bicycle Delay Estimation at Signalized Intersections Using Nationwide Sparse GPS Data
Data-driven approaches are helpful for quantitative justification and performance evaluation. The Netherlands has made notable strides in establishing a national protocol for bicycle traffic counting and collecting GPS cycling data through initiatives such as the Talking Bikes pr
In recent years, the interest in riding in cities using the two-wheeler (e.g., bicycles, electric bicycles, electric mopeds, etc.) increases. Mixed-traffic road segments are one of the most common traffic scenes where the mixed two-wheeler flows exist. Because the movements are o
Due to the fact that there is a lack of comprehensive understanding of how the dynamic nature of supply chain networks (SCNs) interrelates with network structures, particularly network topologies under disruptions. This research employs a novel evolving model of a supply chain ne
Modeling Pedestrian Tactical and Operational Decisions Under Risk and Uncertainty
A Two-Layer Model Framework
Pedestrian tactical choices and operational movement in evacuations essentially pertain to decision-making under risk and uncertainty. However, in microscopic evacuation models, this attribute has been greatly overlooked, even lacking a methodology to delineate the related decisi
Bicycle network needs, solutions, and data collection systems
A theoretical framework and case studies
Similarly to Maslow’s pyramid of human needs, we theorize that cities have a pyramid of bicycle network needs that depends on their level of bicycle culture. As an increasing number of data sources emerge for bicycle data collection, transport authorities face the challenge of un
In this chapter, we focus on the modeling of the behavior of cyclists. This behavior encompasses different types of interconnected decisions: from the split-second decisions that cyclists make when they are riding their bike and are interacting with the road and other traffic par
Numerous evacuation performance data for the utilization in evacuation modelling and simulations have been established for the conventional/widely studied scenarios, such as building evacuation scenarios. However, such data are typically scarce for a new scenario in literature —
Metro-bikeshare integration, an important way of improving the efficiency of public transportation, has grown rapidly during the last decades in many countries. However, most previous analysis of metro-bikeshare transfer trips were based on limited sample size and the number of r
In dit artikel worden de effecten van COVID-19 op de (relevante onderdelen van de) aanbodkant van het mobiliteitssysteem beschreven. Gezien de verwachte impact ligt de focus op voetgangersstromen, fietsstromen, het gebruik van deeldiensten en openbaar vervoer voertuigen. We kijke
In the pursuit of promoting cycling and providing better cycling infrastructure, its design is of great importance. One of the critical locations in a network are intersections, and specifically T-junctions, due to the inverted perception of priority. In this paper, we investigat
Experimental study on evacuation behaviour of passengers in a high-deck coach
A Chinese case study
High-deck coaches form an essential component of mass transportation systems in China. Safe evacuation from high-deck coaches is facing dire challenges. However, evacuation behaviour from high-deck coaches has not been deeply understood yet. In this study, a novel conceptual fram
Comparison of usage regularity and its determinants between docked and dockless bike-sharing systems
A case study in Nanjing, China
Bike-sharing systems have rapidly expanded around the world. Previous studies found that docked and dockless bike-sharing systems are different in terms of user demand and travel characteristics. However, their usage regularity and its determinants have not been fully understood.
Macroscopic pedestrian models are theoretically simpler than microscopic models, and they can potentially be solved faster while producing reasonable predictions of crowd dynamics. Therefore, they can be very useful for applications such as large-scale simulation, real-time state
Bike-sharing systems’ impact on modal shift
A case study in Delft, the Netherlands
Bike-sharing systems have witnessed rapid growth in the last decades. Bike-sharing has been found to influence modal shift from car, public transit, and active transportation modes. However, the impacts on modal shift by considering different kinds of bike-sharing systems are rar
The co-existence of traditional docked bike-sharing and emerging dockless systems presents new opportunities for sustainable transportation in cities all over the world, both serving door to door trips and accessing/egressing to/from public transport systems. However, most of the
A Lagrangian traffic flow model considering lane changing behavior
Formulation and numerical implementation
This paper proposes a multilane traffic flow model based on the notions of conservation laws in Lagrangian coordinates. Both the mathematical formulation and the graphical representation are provided. A logit choice model is applied to describe drivers' lane choice probability. T