B. Goni Ros
27 records found
Macroscopic pedestrian models are theoretically simpler than microscopic models, and they can potentially be solved faster while producing reasonable predictions of crowd dynamics. Therefore, they can be very useful for applications such as large-scale simulation, real-time state
An increasing number of people use the bicycle for urban trips resulting in local congestion at intersections, especially during peak hours. Understanding the queue dynamics is key to find the correct measures that can reduce the delays for cyclists without affecting other traffi
Predicting the bicycle flow capacity at signalized intersections of various characteristics is crucial for urban infrastructure design and traffic management. However, it is also a difficult task because of the large heterogeneity in cycling behavior and several limitations of tr
Sags are freeway sections along which the gradient changes significantly from downward to upward. The capacity of sags is considerably lower than the capacity of normal sections. Consequently, sags are often freeway bottlenecks. Recently, several control measures have been propos
Using advanced adaptive cruise control systems to reduce congestion at sags
An evaluation based on microscopic traffic simulation
Sags are roadway sections along which the gradient increases gradually in the direction of traffic. Sags are generally bottlenecks in freeway networks. Previous research suggests that traffic management measures using advanced Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) systems could reduce co
Signalized intersections are one of the most common sources of inconvenience for cyclists. The aim of this paper is to develop an approach that helps cyclists to meet their cycling preferences (regarding, e.g., the energy they use and their preference to avoid unnecessary stoppin
In many countries, an increasing number of people are using the bicycle for urban trips. The increased bicycle flow sometimes creates local congestion at intersections and demands better bicycle traffic management. To provide policy
makers with models and advice on how to prevent
Signalized intersections are one of the most common types of bottleneck in urban cycling networks. Gaining knowledge on the macroscopic characteristics of bicycle flow during the queue discharge process is crucial for developing ways to reduce the delay experienced by cyclists at
Nowadays, there is a need for tools to support city planners in assessing the performance of cycling infrastructure and managing bicycles and mixed flows. Microscopic and macroscopic bicycle traffic models can be used to fulfill this need. However, fundamental knowledge on indivi
Sags are bottlenecks in freeway networks. According to previous research, the main cause is that most drivers do not accelerate enough at sags. Consequently, they keep longer headways than expected given their speed, which leads to congestion in high demand conditions. Nowadays,
Routing strategy including time and carbon dioxide emissions
Effects on network performance
Traffic congestion leads to delays and increased carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Traffic management measures such as providing information on environmental route costs have been proposed to mitigate congestion. Multi-criteria routing dynamic traffic assignment (MCR-DTA) models ar
Sags are bottlenecks in freeway networks. Nowadays, there is a growing interest in the development of traffic management measures for sags based on the use of in-car systems. This contribution determines the movements that individual (equipped) vehicles should make in order to mi