S.P. Hoogendoorn

1,050 records found

Mobility Futures

Four scenarios for the Dutch mobility system in 2050

Mobility is vital for societal wellbeing, economic growth, social inclusion, and access to essential amenities. However, the current system faces significant challenges, including environmental impact, unequal access, and safety concerns. […]@en
To escape a dangerous building emergency occupants may need to respond quickly, assess the environment, plan their actions and tackle possible problems during evacuation. In this study 147 participants were tested in an experimental evacuation design for the effects of three envi ...
The potential lack of realism in stated-preference surveys is particularly acute in contexts where disaggregate real-world data is challenging to obtain. Mobility-on-Demand (MOD) services present one such context. The MOD context is unique due to factors such as service reliabili ...

Understanding physical distancing compliance behaviour using proximity and survey data

A case study in the Netherlands during the COVID-19 pandemic

Physical distancing has been an important asset in limiting the SARS-CoV-2 virus spread during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aims to assess compliance with physical distancing and to evaluate the combination of observed and self-reported data used. This research shows that it ...
Efficient crowd management is essential for optimizing the performance of pedestrian infrastructures, either in terms of crowd flow or pedestrian levels of safety and comfort. This study investigates the impact of one type of crowd management measure, namely lighting, on pedestri ...
This study proposes a general framework to investigate car-following heterogeneity and its impacts on traffic safety and sustainability. The framework incorporates rigorous driving style classification using a semi-supervised learning technique and a micro-simulation process that ...
Drivers initiate a discretionary lane change when they perceive an anticipated improvement in their own driving condition from moving to another lane. However, such a lane change can slow down other vehicles on the target lane, and even worse initiate a disturbance. In this work, ...
For car traffic it was found that a more crowded area leads to a lower speed and a lower arrival rate. The relation between crowdedness and speed (or arrival rate) can be expressed in a network fundamental diagram, or macroscopic fundamental diagram (MFD). Similar concepts have b ...
Building fires can be considered a risk to the health and safety of occupants. Environmental factors in building fires might affect the speed of an evacuation. Therefore, in this study participants (N = 153) were tested in an experimental design for the effects of (1) a fire alar ...
Although numerous studies used Virtual Reality (VR) to study pedestrian behavior, there is an ongoing debate about the validity of using VR for studying pedestrian behavior. This study aims to contribute toward the validation of immersive VR systems for pedestrian wayfinding beha ...
To promote urban sustainability, many cities are adopting bicycle-friendly policies, leveraging GPS trajectories as a vital data source. However, the inherent errors in GPS data necessitate a critical preprocessing step known as map-matching. Due to GPS device malfunction, road n ...
Dedicated Lanes (DLs) have been proposed as a potential alternative for the deployment of Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAVs) to facilitate platooning and increase motorway capacity. However, the impact of the presence and utilization policy of such a lane on drivers’ prefere ...
As the offer of digital services in transport expands, understanding users’ digital engagement and how it developed over time is important to make informed policy decisions. In particular, we lack an understanding of how both PT (public transport) and car users access and engage ...

Ship behavior during encounters in ports and waterways based on AIS data

From theoretical definitions to empirical findings

Currently, the research on ship behavior during encounters focuses on evasive behavior during specific situations with existing risks of collision. However, the preliminary selection of encounters to refine the presented ship behavior is biased. To obtain a full understanding of ...
In mobility panels, respondents may use a strategy of soft-refusal to lower their response burden, e.g. by claiming they did not leave their house even though they actually did. Soft-refusal leads to poor data quality and may complicate research, e.g. focused on people with actua ...
The interest in tradable mobility credits (TMC) is growing steadily. Compared to existing instruments, its cap-and-trade design for the demand side ensures that a limited quantity, e.g., traffic and related emissions, can by design not be exceeded. However, most TMC schemes are m ...
As digitalisation is making its way into public transport (PT) services, policy approaches to ensure that such services remain inclusive are at best fragmented, at worst inexistant. This study pieces together existing initiatives and lessons learnt in the transport sector itself, ...
On-demand mobility services (FLEX) are often proposed as a solution for the first/last mile problem. We study the potential of using FLEX to improve train station access by means of a three-step sequential stated preference survey. We compare FLEX with the bicycle, car and public ...
Understanding user's perception of service variability is essential to discern their overall perception of any type of (transport) service. We study the perception of waiting time variability for ride-hailing services. We carried out a stated preference survey in August 2021, yie ...
The ongoing research on tradable credit schemes (TCS) in mobility has captured the attention of policymakers, authorities and academics. Even though several studies have demonstrated the potential of such schemes, key policy design aspects that are relevant for real world impleme ...