E. Kinkel
4 records found
To escape a dangerous building emergency occupants may need to respond quickly, assess the environment, plan their actions and tackle possible problems during evacuation. In this study 147 participants were tested in an experimental evacuation design for the effects of three envi
Building fires can be considered a risk to the health and safety of occupants. Environmental factors in building fires might affect the speed of an evacuation. Therefore, in this study participants (N = 153) were tested in an experimental design for the effects of (1) a fire alar
Are there cultural differences and similarities in the way occupants respond to evacuation notifications? Evacuation response behaviour is characterised by the way occupants react to evacuation notifications to validate what is happening around them and prepare for evacuation mov
More and more people visit mass events, while also the number of mass events is increasing. However, the choice behavior of visitors during these mass events is not yet well known. To get insight into this behavior, 109 visitors of Mysteryland (a Dutch dance festival with 60,000