A. Psyllidis
50 records found
Mobility Futures
Four scenarios for the Dutch mobility system in 2050
Mobility is vital for societal wellbeing, economic growth, social inclusion, and access to essential amenities. However, the current system faces significant challenges, including environmental impact, unequal access, and safety concerns. […]@en
Health implications of mobility during pregnancy entail a need to understand pregnant women's activity spaces. We present ActMAP, a framework for quantifying multiple aspects of activity spaces from distinct trips and stays derived from GPS data. We applied ActMAP to data from 23
Bridging or separating?
Co-accessibility as a measure of potential place-based encounters
Accessibility is a widely used concept across various disciplines to evaluate the degree to which individuals can reach desired destinations. Conventionally, accessibility is determined by the attractiveness of a destination and the associated travel cost to reach it. However, ex
Children’s access to urban greenspace
A survey of factors and measures
Access to greenspace impacts children’s physical, social, and mental health. Numerous factors affect children’s access to urban greenspaces, often distinct from those affecting the general population, including parental restrictions, limited routine activity-space, and particular
The study of urban greenspaces typically relies on three types of data: people’s subjective perceptions collected via questionnaires, vegetation indices derived from satellite imagery, such as the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), and Land Use or Land Cover maps, suc
The configuration of public open spaces plays a crucial role in shaping how different people use them. Nevertheless, our understanding of how the physical features of public open spaces influence the activities conducted within them, and the extent to which this impact differs ac
Is it safe to be attractive?
Disentangling the influence of streetscape features on the perceived safety and attractiveness of city streets
City streets that feel safe and attractive motivate active travel behaviour and promote people’s well-being. However, determining what makes a street safe and attractive is a challenging task because subjective qualities of the streetscape are difficult to quantify. Existing evid
“Eyes on the Street”
Estimating Natural Surveillance Along Amsterdam’s City Streets Using Street-Level Imagery
Neighborhood safety and its perception are important determinants of citizens’ health and well-being. Contemporary urban design guidelines often advocate urban forms that encourage natural surveillance or “eyes on the street” to promote community safety. However, assessing a neig
Recent evidence underscores the importance of greenspace exposure in promoting physical activity, and in having a positive impact on mental health and cognitive development. Accessibility has been identified to be the primary motivating factor when it comes to encouraging greensp
Accessible outdoor spaces for unsupervised play are important for children’s health. However, parents impose constraints based on their perception of safety, which can have a significant impact on which play spaces are actually accessible to children. Such constraints are not tak
Mental disorders among children and adolescents pose a significant global challenge. The exposome framework covering the totality of internal, social and physical exposures over a lifetime provides opportunities to better understand the causes of and processes related to mental h
Can planning and design influence health and well-being in urban settings? Even though it was the public health issues faced by industrial cities that originally gave rise to the field of city planning, their paths have diverged over the years.However, how human settlements are p
A growing body of literature underscores the societal and mental health benefits of facilitating interactions between different age groups. While it is acknowledged that age segregation might be experienced in daily activities beyond an individual’s home location, the majority of
Early environmental quality and life-course mental health effects
The Equal-Life project
There is increasing evidence that a complex interplay of factors within environments in which children grows up, contributes to children’s suboptimal mental health and cognitive development. The concept of the life-course exposome helps to study the impact of the ...
There is increasing evidence that a complex interplay of factors within environments in which children grows up, contributes to children’s suboptimal mental health and cognitive development. The concept of the life-course exposome helps to study the impact of the ...
Points of Interest (POI)
A commentary on the state of the art, challenges, and prospects for the future
In this commentary, we describe the current state of the art of points of interest (POIs) as digital, spatial datasets, both in terms of their quality and affordings, and how they are used across research domains. We argue that good spatial coverage and high-quality POI features
Points of interest (POIs) digitally represent real-world amenities as point locations. POI categories (e.g. restaurant, hotel, museum etc.) play a prominent role in several location-based applications such as social media, navigation, recommender systems, geographic information r
As cities resume life in public space, they face the difficult task of retaining outdoor activity while decreasing exposure to airborne viruses, such as the novel coronavirus. Even though the transmission risk is higher in indoor spaces, recent evidence suggests that physical con
Social web data increasingly complement studies of various social phenomena, especially when the availability of traditional data is limited. One such case is that of vulnerable young populations that are disengaged from employment, education, or training; usually referred to as
Ontology-Based Integration of Urban Sustainability Indicators
Perspectives on Urban Sustainability
A wealth of indicators and indicator sets, structured in the form of standards (e.g., ISO, OECD, SDG Index, etc.), have been developed and proposed over the past decades to define and measure urban sustainability. Unfortunately, literature studies confirm that there is a lack of
Up-to-date listings of retail stores and related building functions are challenging and costly to maintain. We introduce a novel method for automatically detecting, geo-locating, and classifying retail stores and related commercial functions, on the basis of storefronts extracted