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N. van Oort

243 records found

Three-dimensional transport poverty and its socio-demographic and urban density predictors

Spatial regression analyses of neighborhoods in the Amsterdam metropolitan area

Reducing transport poverty can improve well-being and expand employment opportunities. This study investigates the relevance of socio-demographic and urban density predictors in relation to transport poverty contributor metrics for neighborhoods in the Amsterdam metropolitan area ...

Mobility Futures

Four scenarios for the Dutch mobility system in 2050

Mobility is vital for societal wellbeing, economic growth, social inclusion, and access to essential amenities. However, the current system faces significant challenges, including environmental impact, unequal access, and safety concerns. […]@en
Making the mobility sector sustainable is a key part in the transition to a climate- and carbon-neutral society (European Parliament, 2023). For trips too long to be performed by active modes (walking, cycling), public transport is the most sustainable alternative available to tr ...
Mobility patterns and transport systems have been heavily impacted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Public transport is impacted heavily, as governments worldwide advised against using it. This paper presents the data collection effort initiated by NS (Dutch Railways) and Delft Univ ...

Addressing transport related social exclusion through transportation policy

A novel evaluation method applied to the Amsterdam Transport Region

Recent literature has given increasing attention to the different ways in which people can be excluded from transportation systems, with a reduction in economic, social, and recreational opportunities as a result. These theoretical insights into how transport poverty and transpor ...

Driving factors behind station-based car sharing adoption

Discovering distinct user profiles through a latent class cluster analysis

In light of growing environmental challenges, the need to reconsider how we approach personal transportation is becoming increasingly evident. A shift from a private car-focused mobility system towards a more sustainable and equitable transportation system is needed. Car sharing ...
Train passenger demand fluctuates throughout the day. In order to let train services, such as the line plan and timetable, match this fluctuating demand, insights are needed into how the demand is changing and for which periods the demand is relatively stable. Hierarchical cluste ...
Latent Class Analysis was used on the 2018/19 Dutch National Travel dataset to assess travel behaviour profiles and its connection with sociodemographic and spatial factors to grasp travel patterns in a more holistic context than previous research@en
Introduction: The world is facing multiple challenges, e.g. in the realm of health, urbanization, climate change and social inclusion. Mobility can be part of the problem yet has the potential to be part of the solution. Serious games can support decision-making in a complex envi ...
As the offer of digital services in transport expands, understanding users’ digital engagement and how it developed over time is important to make informed policy decisions. In particular, we lack an understanding of how both PT (public transport) and car users access and engage ...
Public transport systems offer significant potential for mitigation of transport sector’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions - the second largest contributor in the European Union (EU) accounting for 23.2% of the total GHG emissions in 2020. The Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strateg ...

Can Shared Mobility Compensate for Public Transport Disruptions?

The Case of Milan’s Bike Sharing System During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic poses an unprecedented challenge for public transport systems. The capacity of transport systems has been significantly reduced because of the social distancing measures. Therefore, new avenues to increase the resilience of public urban mobility need to be e ...
This paper presents a method for estimating Well-to-Wheel (WTW) energy use and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions attributed to the advanced railway propulsion systems implemented in conjunction with different energy carriers and their production pathways. The analysis encompasses di ...

Synergizing cycling and transit

Strategic placement of cycling infrastructure to enhance job accessibility

Enabling cycling at the home side or at the activity side of transit trips has been recognized as a promising solution to address transit network discrepancies and enhance connectivity between residents and employment opportunities. However, this multimodal solution is conditiona ...
Validation of travel demand models, although recognised as important, is seldom undertaken. This study adds to the scarce literature in this field by undertaking an external validation of a multi-modal transit route choice model. The model was estimated using smart card data for ...
Understanding user's perception of service variability is essential to discern their overall perception of any type of (transport) service. We study the perception of waiting time variability for ride-hailing services. We carried out a stated preference survey in August 2021, yie ...
Het verduurzamen van de mobiliteitssector is een essentieel onderdeel van de transitie naar een klimaat- en CO2-neutrale samenleving. Voor verplaatsingen die te lang zijn voor actieve vervoerwijzen (lopen, fietsen, …), is het openbaar vervoer over het algemeen het meest duurzame ...
As digitalisation is making its way into public transport (PT) services, policy approaches to ensure that such services remain inclusive are at best fragmented, at worst inexistant. This study pieces together existing initiatives and lessons learnt in the transport sector itself, ...

“Who can I ask for help?”

Mechanisms behind digital inequality in public transport

Digitalisation in public transport has become pervasive over the past decade, especially in urban areas. While it benefits many, it also leaves some behind. Previous research shows that older adults, people with a lower education level, people with impairments and people with a m ...
Train passenger demand fluctuates throughout the day and week and these fluctuations are expected to increase due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to let train services, such as the line plan and timetable, match this fluctuating demand, insights are needed into how the demand ...