26 records found

Mobility patterns and transport systems have been heavily impacted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Public transport is impacted heavily, as governments worldwide advised against using it. This paper presents the data collection effort initiated by NS (Dutch Railways) and Delft Univ ...

Teleworking during COVID-19 in the Netherlands

Understanding behaviour, attitudes, and future intentions of train travellers

With the arrival of COVID-19 in the Netherlands in Spring 2020 and the start of the “intelligent lockdown”, daily life changed drastically. The working population was urged to telework as much as possible. However, not everyone had a suitable job for teleworking or liked telework ...
In this study a unique bicycle sharing program (BSP) is studied: a BSP initiated by an urban transit provider (buses and trams). The idea is that the combined use of BSPs and buses and trams could increase the catchment area of urban transit alone, therefore offering a more compe ...
Globally, the need for more sustainable modes of transport is rising. One of the main contenders of the car is the electrical bike (e-bike). To promote the use of e-bikes, pilots are being organised worldwide (e.g. in the USA, Norway, and the Netherlands). Studies have shown that ...
Active modes take up an increasingly important place on the global policy-making agenda. In the Netherlands, a country that is well-known for its high shares of walking and cycling, the government aims at achieving a modal shift among 200,000 commuting car drivers towards using t ...
Tijdens de ‘intelligente lockdown’ zag NS het aantal treinreizigers kelderen met maar liefst 93 procent. Dat is een ramp op zich. Maar de ov-organisatie vraagt zich ook bezorgd af wat al die klanten in de toekomst gaan doen. Om dat scherp te krijgen, benaderden NS en TU Delft het ...

Trip chain complexity

A comparison among latent classes of daily mobility patterns

This paper studies the relationship between trip chain complexity and daily travel behaviour of travellers. While trip chain complexity is conventionally investigated between travel modes, our scope is the more aggregated level of a person’s activity-travel pattern. Using data fr ...
Governments worldwide are aiming to increase sustainable mode use to increase sustainability, livability, and accessibility. Integration of bicycle and transit can increase catchment areas of transit compared with walking and thus provide better competition to non-sustainable mod ...

Latent classes of daily mobility patterns

The relationship with attitudes towards modes

Active modes (i.e. walking and cycling) have received significant attention by governments worldwide, due to the benefits related to the use of these modes. Consequently, governments are aiming for a modal shift from motorised to active modes. Attitudes are generally considered t ...
Everyday people find their way towards work, supermarkets, or unfamiliar places are explored for a social visit. Understanding how differences in urban wayfinding behaviour relate to daily travel patterns is important to describe route choice behaviour, identify potential navigat ...
Pollution and congestion are important issues in urban mobility. These can potentially be solved by multimodal transport, such as the bicycle-Transit combination, which benefits from the flexible aspect of the bicycle and the wider spatial range of public transport. In addition, ...
Interest into active modes (i.e. walking and cycling) has increased significantly over the past decades, with governments worldwide ultimately aiming for a modal shift towards active modes. To devise policies that promote this goal, understanding the determinants that influence t ...
Due to increasing urbanisation rates worldwide combined with growing transportation demand, liveability of the urban environment is under pressure (UN, 2018). In response, many governments worldwide have set goals for increasing the share of trips made using sustainable modes of ...
Specifying the choice set for travel behaviour analysis is a non-trivial task. Its size and composition are known to influence the results of model estimation and prediction. Most studies specify the choice set using choice set generation algorithms. These methods can introduce t ...

Wayfinding styles

The relationship with mobility patterns & navigational preferences

The goal of this study is to investigate the relationships between wayfinding styles and mobility patterns and navigational preferences. Urban wayfinding behavior is defined by the strategies that people use to decide how to move from one place to another within a city (Montello ...

Latent classes of daily mobility patterns

The relationship with attitudes towards modes

Active modes (i.e. walking and cycling) have received significant attention by governments worldwide, due to the benefits related to the use of these modes. Consequently, governments are aiming for a modal shift from motorised to active modes. Attitudes are generally considered t ...
In this research, we study trip chains from a new perspective. We analyze differences in trip chain complexity regarding the number of trips and the number of transport modes between five latent mobility pattern classes. The first results suggest that differences between the clas ...

How do people cycle in Amsterdam, Netherlands?

Estimating cyclists' route choice determinants with GPS data from an urban area

Nowadays, the bicycle is seen as a sustainable and healthy substitute for
the car in urban environments. The Netherlands is the leading country
in bicycle use, especially in urban environments. Yet route choice models
featuring inner-city travel that includes cyclists ...
In de grootstedelijke gebieden van Nederland gaat het hard met de fiets. Het aandeel van deze slow mode is er inmiddels dusdanig hoog, dat de fietser een eigen verkeersmanagementaanpak verdient. Maar uitdaging één is dan: op welke data baseer je je? Is sturing mogelijk op basis v ...