E.J.E. Molin

209 records found

Perceived accessibility by air transportation

A focus group study of potential air travelers in The Netherlands

This study explores perceived accessibility specific to air transportation in the Dutch context through a focus group study. Five focus group sessions were held with a total of 24 participants with air travel experience within the past five years. Online focus groups were held du ...
Attitudes have been used as explanatory variables of travel behaviour for decades, typically under the assumption that there is a causal effect of attitudes on behaviour. However, recent research has shown that the relationship between attitudes and travel behaviour is bi-directi ...
Air transportation is a mode of transport developed specifically to provide access to long-distance destinations that may otherwise be infeasible or at least more difficult to reach. Accordingly, there are distinct aspects of air travel that require consideration when assessing a ...

Travel choices in (e-)moped sharing systems

Estimating explanatory variables and the value of ride fee savings

Free-floating (e-)moped sharing systems are becoming increasingly popular and provide new ways of travel in urban areas. The vehicles offer the flexibility of one-way transportation, though the downside for service providers of free-floating shared fleet systems is that their ope ...
Policies to increase the amount of time people spend working from home were widely used during the COVID-19 pandemic. Since research suggests that the resulting increase in working from home will outlast these policies themselves, policymakers want to understand the relations bet ...
A plethora of shared fleet services have been introduced in cities worldwide. Despite their increased presence in urban areas, it is insofar unknown what are the main determinants of travellers’ choices between the usage of shared-mopeds and cars and thereby the extent to which s ...
After several decades of decline, night train services have gained momentum in recent years. However, the willingness to use night trains as an alternative to airplane travel has so far received only limited research attention. This paper addresses this knowledge gap by presentin ...
Introduction Unlike previous pandemics, COVID-19 has sustained over a relatively longer period with cyclical infection waves and numerous variants. Public transport ridership has been hit particularly hard. To restore travellers' confidence it is critical to assess their risk det ...
To inform policies aimed at more sustainable travel behaviour, previous research has investigated the concept of multimodality. The notion underlying this line of research is that increasing the degree of multimodality will lead to less car dependence and therefore more sustainab ...

Consumer preferences for parcel delivery methods

The potential of parcel locker use in the Netherlands

In the Netherlands, as in many other densely populated countries, home delivery is the dominant way of delivering online ordered parcels. This is mainly because big retail companies offer this delivery option for free. Due to the expansion of e-commerce, home delivery that typica ...

Train travel in corona time

Safety perceptions of and support for policy measures

To minimize the risk of becoming infected by the Coronavirus while traveling by train, the national government and the Dutch railways' operator (NS) in the Netherlands have taken several policy measures. These involve that passengers have to wear masks and guidelines are issued f ...
Congestion charging is generally regarded as an effective tool to manage the ongoing growth in road use and to abate congestion. However, public support is typically very low and therefore very few charging schemes have been implemented. The concept of tradable peak credits (TPC) ...
Public transport in rural areas is under pressure because demand is low and dispersed. To reduce costs, flexible and on-demand services are often proposed as alternatives for conventional bus services. Conventional services are generally not suitable for rural areas, because the ...
Congestieheffing is efficiënt in het bestrijden van files, maar wekt veel weerstand op bij met name automobilisten aangezien het spitsritten duurder maakt. Daarentegen is het belonen van automobilisten voor het mijden van de spits geen langdurige oplossing, maar dat wordt wel ove ...
Residential self-selection (RSS) is the theoretical mechanism that explains that the impact of the built environment on travel behaviour is weaker than bivariate correlations suggest, because mode attitudes influence both the built environment and travel behaviour and therefore a ...
Tradable credits for congestion management are a novel policy concept that is receiving increased interest in transportation research. This interest is mainly driven by the belief that the concept can count on stronger social support and hence has a better prospect for implementa ...
A deep understanding of people's support for road pricing may help policymakers to design more practical pricing schemes that are effective in abating congestion but lead to less public opposition. This study adds to the rich body of road pricing acceptability literature by takin ...


Does it contribute to sustainability?

The promise of Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) is that it decreases the need to own a car and contributes to a more sustainable transport system. However, MaaS also offers relatively easy access to car-based travel alternatives which may result in substituting public transport trips ...
Public transport in rural areas is under pressure because demand is low and dispersed. To reduce costs, flexible and on-demand services are often proposed as alternatives for conventional bus services. Conventional services are generally not suitable for rural areas, because the ...
Congestion is threatening the accessibility and liveability of urban regions. Cities are usually hesitant to consider the effective, yet controversial idea of congestion pricing as a measure to abate the growing economic and environmental problems. In the longstanding search for ...