P.K. Krishnakumari
31 records found
Understanding physical distancing compliance behaviour using proximity and survey data
A case study in the Netherlands during the COVID-19 pandemic
Physical distancing has been an important asset in limiting the SARS-CoV-2 virus spread during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aims to assess compliance with physical distancing and to evaluate the combination of observed and self-reported data used. This research shows that it
The relationship between real-world traffic and pavement raveling is unclear and subject to ongoing debates. This research proposes a novel approach that extends beyond traditional correlation analyses to explore causal mechanisms between mixed traffic and raveling. This approach
Data driven origin–destination matrix estimation on large networks
A joint origin–destination-path-choice formulation
This paper presents a novel approach to data-driven time-dependent origin–destination (OD) estimation using a joint origin–destination-path choice formulation, inspired by the well-known equivalence of doubly constraint gravity models and multinomial logit models for joint O–D ch
To analyze inherent and diverse patterns within line-based public transport daily delay occurrences, we introduce a data-driven exploratory analysis focused on the spatial-temporal distribution of these delays. Our approach relies on the utilization of the image pattern recogniti
To promote urban sustainability, many cities are adopting bicycle-friendly policies, leveraging GPS trajectories as a vital data source. However, the inherent errors in GPS data necessitate a critical preprocessing step known as map-matching. Due to GPS device malfunction, road n
COVID-19 significantly influenced travel behaviours and public attitudes towards public transport. Various studies have illustrated complicated factors related to long-term travel behaviour, indicating difficulty in understanding and predicting post-pandemic long-term travel beha
Understanding pedestrian route choice behavior in complex buildings is important to ensure pedestrian safety. Previous studies have mostly used traditional data collection methods and discrete choice modeling to understand the influence of different factors on pedestrian route an
Accurate and reliable short- term passenger flow prediction can support operations and decision-making of the URT system from multiple perspectives. In this paper, we propose a URT multi- step short- term passenger flow prediction model at the network level based on a Transformer
With the electrification in freight transportation, the availability of fast-charging facilities becomes essential to facilitate en-route charging for freight electric vehicles. Most studies focus on planning charging facilities based on mathematical modeling and hypothetical sce
Accurate prediction of active mode traffic is imperative for optimizing traffic operations in Intelligent Trans-portation Systems. However, existing data-driven approaches heavily rely on extensive datasets to achieve reliable traffic prediction. This dependence poses a challenge
Road incidents, including accidents, greatly impact public safety, traffic flow, and overall transportation system functioning. Detecting and predicting incidents is crucial for effective incident management. Accurate algorithms rely on high-quality incident data sets. However, u
Predictions on public transport ridership are beneficial as they allow for sufficient and cost-efficient deployment of vehicles. At an operational level, this relates to short-term predictions with lead times of less than an hour. Where conventional data sources on ridership, suc
Understanding the relationship between pavement raveling and traffic characteristics is important to pavement management and maintenance planning. In this work, we propose a framework to empirically quantify this relationship. It consists of an alignment method to tackle the inco
Predictions on Public Transport (PT) ridership are beneficial as they allow for sufficient and cost-efficient deployment of vehicles. On an operational level, this relates to short-term predictions with lead times of less than an hour. Where conventional data sources on ridership
In dit artikel worden de effecten van COVID-19 op de (relevante onderdelen van de) aanbodkant van het mobiliteitssysteem beschreven. Gezien de verwachte impact ligt de focus op voetgangersstromen, fietsstromen, het gebruik van deeldiensten en openbaar vervoer voertuigen. We kijke
Is it possible to use just aggregate carriageway data for the evaluation of congestion warning systems (CWS) in large networks—or any system affecting traffic safety for that matter? In this paper, two hypotheses related to this question are tested. The first hypothesis is that i
Multiscale Pattern Recognition of Transport Network Dynamics and its Applications
A bird’s eye view on transport
Cities are complex, dynamic and ever-evolving. We need to understand how these cities work in order to predict, control or optimize their operations. We have identified some open issues related to network and data complexity that need to be solved to build feasible methods for th
The biggest challenge of analysing network traffic dynamics of large-scale networks is its complexity and pattern interpretability. In this work, we present a new computationally efficient method, inspired by human vision, to reduce the dimensions of a large-scale network and des
The fundamental challenge of the origin-destination (OD) matrix estimation problem is that it is severely under-determined. In this paper we propose a new data driven OD estimation method for cases where a supply pattern in the form of speeds and flows is available. We show that