P.K. Krishnakumari
10 records found
A comprehensive understanding of shippers’ preferences can help transport freight forwarders create targeted transport services and enhance long-term business relationships. Nevertheless, limited research examined the benefit of considering shippers’ preferences in the decision-m
To analyze latent multiple specific patterns in the line-based public transport daily delay occurrence, a data-driven explorative analysis of public transport daily delay spatial-temporal distribution pattern is performed based on the k-means clustering algorithm. Firstly, we use
Accurate and trustworthy short-term traffic prediction is crucial in the modern world for the comfort of drivers and decision-makers as it is used to improve the performance of traffic management systems, lessen congestion, increase safety, and shorten journey times. It is possib
With the electrification in freight transportation, fast-charging facilities are crucial to support enroute charging for long-distance freight trips. The goal of this study is to develop an integrated fast-charging facility planning framework to prepare for the increasing enroute
Including service information in a topological comparison of metro networks worldwide
A comparison of 51 metro networks worldwide using GTFS static data
Public transport (PT) plays a vital role in commuting billions of travellers in cities all over the world, providing a mode that is both sustainable and accessible. Metro networks are especially apt at this considering their high-capacity and high-speed operation in urban environ
Improving the Service of E-bike Sharing by Demand Pattern Analysis
A Data-driven Approach
E-bike sharing has gradually gained popularity in recent years, while the research in this field is still quite limited. This study applies data-driven methods, mainly demand pattern analysis, to facilitate the development of operational strategies in a cost-effective and operato
Automated offline detection of disruptions using smart card data
A case study of the metro network of Washington DC
Service reliability is one of the most important performance measures to public transport users. Detecting disruptions helps to measure service reliability, which can be used by public transport operators to improve this reliability. In this thesis, a methodology is described to
On-demand transit has become a common mode of transport with ride-sourcing companies like Uber, Lyft, Didi transforming the way we move. With the increase in popularity for such services, the supply needs to adapt according to the demand. For this, the demand needs to analyzed to