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A. Gavriilidou

17 records found


Understanding physical distancing compliance behaviour using proximity and survey data

A case study in the Netherlands during the COVID-19 pandemic

Physical distancing has been an important asset in limiting the SARS-CoV-2 virus spread during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aims to assess compliance with physical distancing and to evaluate the combination of observed and self-reported data used. This research shows that ...

In this chapter, we focus on the modeling of the behavior of cyclists. This behavior encompasses different types of interconnected decisions: from the split-second decisions that cyclists make when they are riding their bike and are interacting with the road and other traffic ...

Cyclists in Motion

From data collection to behavioural models

As the title suggests, cyclists are the main topic of this dissertation and more specifically, their behaviour while they are ‘in motion’. The term ‘in motion’ is used in the title to represent microscopic operational cycling behaviour, which is the behaviour of cyclists, treated ...

This paper presents a novel microscopic modelling framework for bicycle flow operations. The modelling principles are based on similar principles successfully applied in our previous work on pedestrian and vessel flow. The main contributions of the paper are in the extension t ...

In the pursuit of promoting cycling and providing better cycling infrastructure, its design is of great importance. One of the critical locations in a network are intersections, and specifically T-junctions, due to the inverted perception of priority. In this paper, we investigat ...
Due to the increasing use of the bicycle as access and egress mode to public transport hubs, bicycle parking facilities are being constructed and extended. The provision of appropriate infrastructure requires the understanding of the needs and preferences of the cyclists. In orde ...

Voronoi densities for bicylists

Adaptation for finite object size and speed

Density is one of the most relevant variables in a traffic flow description. For objects in 2 dimensions, density can be determined by the space that is allocated to each of the objects. This paper introduces a new way of computing the space available for a bicyclist, accounting ...
Operational cycling behaviour is greatly understudied, even lacking a definition of what this behavioural level actually entails in terms of decision making. In this paper, we define the cyclist operational level and argue that it consists of two intertwined processes, a mental a ...
Cycling research at the operational behavioral level is limited, mainly because of the lack of empirical data. To overcome this data shortage, we performed a controlled, large-scale cycling experiment in the Netherlands. In this paper we describe the methodology for setting up an ...

Reconciling transfer synchronization and service regularity

Real-time control strategies using passenger data

Real-time holding control strategies are implemented, among other reasons, in order to protect transfers. In the context of high-frequency services, there is a need to reconcile between striving for single-line regularity and synchronizing inter-line arrivals. Their operationa ...


Mobility Design Strategies For Sustainable Development In Peripheral Urban Areas

A case study in travel choice behaviour for Rijnenburg, Utrecht

In response to the growing housing shortage in the Netherlands, particularly in urban areas where land availability is constrained, local governments are increasingly considering urban expansion into peripheral areas, even those near freeways. These areas offer convenient car acc ...
Cycling has gained popularity worldwide, but little is known about the choice behaviour of people searching for a bicycle parking spot in the city centre. Formal parking spaces provided in the city centre are currently often underutilised, whilst many people use fly parking, whic ...
This studydives into factors influencing the shared e-moped usage in first- and last mile. Other studies show that the service area size, vehicle availability the shape of city and the temperature affect the shared e-moped usage. This study confirms the service catchment, tempera ...
Deze scriptie beschrijft een onderzoek naar de toepasbaarheid van verschillende pop-up fietspaden. Dit zijn fietspaden welke in zeer korte tijd kunnen worden aangelegd en in een latere fase definitief worden gerealiseerd of weer verdwijnen uit het straatbeeld. Aangezien pop-up fi ...

Primary Rules On The Way To Primary Schools

An assessment on the role of car speed reduction policy on creating a subjectively safe and encouraging environment for cyclists in the school zones

With an increase in interest in putting people on bikes instead of driving vehicles for day-to-day transport, new regulations are being implemented to make roadways safer for cyclists while also encouraging cycling behavior among various segments of the population. The perception ...
To intrigue more people to cycle, it is essential to assess the current design of the cycling infrastructure to guarantee the efficiency and safety for the users. A credible simulation of cyclists is helpful to evaluate different designs of infrastructure and point out the proble ...
This research investigates the speed behaviour and safety effects on cyclists and mopeds sharing the cyclist T-Intersection with and without the application of a lane marking nudge. Unsignalised cyclist T-Intersection gives rise to more safety-critical instances, which include un ...