W.J. Schakel

39 records found

Automated driving systems, which can take over certain dynamic driving tasks from the driver, are becoming increasingly available in commercial vehicles. One of these automated driving systems widely introduced in commercial vehicles is Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC). This system ...
Truck platooning is an application of cooperative adaptive cruise control (CACC) which relies on vehicle-to-vehicle communications facilitated by vehicle ad-hoc networks. Communication uncertainties can affect the performance of a CACC controller. Previous research has not consid ...
In current motorway design practice, microscopic simulation is used to assess the traffic safety and capacity implications of design variants. Many different simulation packages are available, and many researchers have invested effort in improving and calibrating models that desc ...

A generic multi-scale framework for microscopic traffic simulation part II

Anticipation Reliance as compensation mechanism for potential task overload

The inclusion of human factors (HF) in mathematical models is proving crucial to allow complex driving behaviour and interactions to be explicitly considered to capture driving phenomena. An important area where such integration is required is for the role of anticipation by driv ...

Using advanced adaptive cruise control systems to reduce congestion at sags

An evaluation based on microscopic traffic simulation

Sags are roadway sections along which the gradient increases gradually in the direction of traffic. Sags are generally bottlenecks in freeway networks. Previous research suggests that traffic management measures using advanced Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) systems could reduce co ...
Realistic microscopic traffic simulation is essential for prospective evaluation of the potential impacts of new traffic control strategies. Freeway corridors with interacting bottlenecks and dedicated lanes generate complex traffic flow phenomena and congestion patterns, which a ...
With automated and cooperative driving making its breakthrough, and related systems in fast development, their future influence and impact on roads and traffic may be extensive. Truck platooning is such an application that relies on the development of Cooperative Adaptive Cruise ...
Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC) systems have the potential to increase roadway capacity and mitigate traffic congestion thanks to the short following distance enabled by inter-vehicle communication. However, due to limitations in acceleration and deceleration capabilit ...
It is remarkable that drivers (on average) can safely navigate through dense traffic at high speeds—conditions in which the time headways between vehicles are in the same order of magnitude as human reaction times. One explanation for this is the ability of drivers to anticipate ...
With low-level vehicle automation already available, there is a necessity to estimate its effects on traffic flow, especially if these could be negative. A long gradual transitionwill occur frommanual driving to automateddriving, inwhichmany yet unknown traffic flow dynamics will ...
With the increasing number of vehicles equipped with Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC), it becomes important to assess its impact on traffic flow efficiency, in particular with respect to capacity and queue discharge rate. Simulation studies and surveys suggest that ACC has both posi ...

Pleasure in using adaptive cruise control

A questionnaire study in The Netherlands

Objective: Adaptive cruise control (ACC), a technology that allows for automated car following, is becoming increasingly prevalent. Previous surveys have shown that drivers generally regard ACC as pleasant but that they have to intervene when the ACC reaches its operational limit ...
CO2 utilization is gaining attention as a greenhouse gas abatement strategy complementary to CO2 storage. This study explores the techno-environmental performance of CO2 utilization trough dry reforming of methane into syngas for the production of ...

Getting the Human Factor into Traffic Flow Model

New Open-Source Design to Simulate Next Generation of Traffic Operations

Automated driving may lead to much higher road capacities, combined with increased road safety, increased driver comfort, and lower costs. Although this vision may hold ground in the long run, first a transitional period will take place in which increasing percentages of vehicles ...
Equipping power plants with carbon capture technology can affect cooling demand and water use. This study has explored the potential impact of large scale deployment of power plants with carbon capture technologies on future regional water stress in Europe. A database including 4 ...