A.S. van Beinum
10 records found
In current motorway design practice, microscopic simulation is used to assess the traffic safety and capacity implications of design variants. Many different simulation packages are available, and many researchers have invested effort in improving and calibrating models that desc
Over the years the characteristics of traffic on Dutch motorways has changed, but its design guidelines did not develop as rapidly and large parts remain unchanged since the first guidelines from the 1970s. During the latest revision of the Dutch motorway design guidelines it bec
In the vicinity of ramps, drivers make route choices, change lanes and in most cases also adjust their speeds. This can trigger anticipatory behaviour by the surrounding vehicles, which are also reflected in lane changes and/or changes in speed. This phenomenon is called turbulen
In the vicinity of motorway ramps, multiple manoeuvres are performed by drivers that are entering or exiting the motorway, and by drivers that anticipate on, or cooperate with, the other entering and exiting vehicles. These manoeuvres involve lane-changes, changes in speed, and c
Traffic is more turbulent around motorway ramps due to route choice-related lane changes and anticipatory or cooperative manoeuvres. These manoeuvres result in changes in speed and headways and have a negative influence on traffic safety and capacity. However, the distance upstre
Several studies in the literature have indicated that interchanges are the most crash-prone areas within the motorway system in number and severity of accidents. The reason is the high level of turbulence as a result of vehicle lane changes and speed variability. To understand th
Wat is de impact van zelfrijdende voertuigen op wegontwerp? Witteveen+Bos, Arcadis en TU Delft deden er een verkennend onderzoek naar. Op korte termijn lijkt de impact beperkt, op langere ter-mijn zijn er mogelijkheden voor efficiënter ruimtegebruik en het verhogen van de wegcapa
Turbulence in traffic is a commonly known phenomenon, but the exact characteristics of this phenomenon are not yet clear. Turbulence reflects individual changes in speed, headways, and lanes in the traffic stream. The current freeway design guidelines prescribe measures for handl