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A.M. Salomons

18 records found

Reference RL

Reinforcement learning with reference mechanism and its application in traffic signal control

This paper addresses the challenges of deploying reinforcement learning (RL) models for traffic signal control (TSC) in real-world environments. Real-world training can prevent mismatches between simulation environments and the actual traffic conditions, thereby achieving better ...
Geloofwaardigheid is belangrijk bij verkeerslichtenregelingen. Verkeersdeelnemers die te lang moeten wachten terwijl het onduidelijk is waarom, zijn geneigd tot roodlichtnegatie, wat gevaarlijke situaties met zich kan meebrengen. Als er idee¨en verspreid worden waarin de geloofwa ...
When making trips in urban environments, cyclists lose time as they stop and idle at signalized intersections. The main objective of this study was to show how augmenting the situational awareness of traffic signal controllers, using observations from moving sensor platforms, can ...
Abstract Traffic signals are crucial for regulating road safety, but public opinions and cyclist behaviour regarding traffic signals and push buttons have sparked discussions on social media platforms. This study aimed to explore public opinions and cyclist behaviour related to t ...
Similarly to Maslow’s pyramid of human needs, we theorize that cities have a pyramid of bicycle network needs that depends on their level of bicycle culture. As an increasing number of data sources emerge for bicycle data collection, transport authorities face the challenge of un ...
Is a roundabout still a good solution in the era where ‘intelligent’ intersection control using vehicle connection (i-TLC), is in upswing? To answer this question, the capacity of ‘i-roundabouts’, where the infrastructure communicates with the vehicles (I2V), is determined analyt ...

Intersection Control and MFD Shape

Vehicle-Actuated versus Back-Pressure Control

Various studies have demonstrated that the state and dynamics of an urban network can be described by Macroscopic Fundamental Diagrams (MFD) and that MFDs can be used for perimeter flow control. Perimeter flow control aims at a higher throughput in an urban network by controlling ...