G. Reggiani

6 records found


Bicycle networks are made up of different types of infrastructure for cars, bikes and mixed use, which has resulted in various definitions being used to describe them. However, it’s crucial to bring these definitions together to understand the structural differences among them an ...
Although many agree that the use of bicycles improves mobility and quality of life in a city, much less clear is how to assess the progress being made in this direction and how to plan bikeable cities. The bikeability of a city depends on many diverse and interrelated factors suc ...
Similarly to Maslow’s pyramid of human needs, we theorize that cities have a pyramid of bicycle network needs that depends on their level of bicycle culture. As an increasing number of data sources emerge for bicycle data collection, transport authorities face the challenge of un ...
A fully separated bicycle network from vehicular traffic is not realistic even for the most bicycle-friendly cities. Thus, all around the world urban cycling entails switching between streets of different safety, convenience, and comfort levels. As a consequence, the quality of b ...

A tool for travel time estimation of cyclists approaching a traffic light can monitor level of service of intersections in bike crowded cities. This work represents a first step in developing such a tool. Neural Network models are evaluated on how they perform in estimating in ...

The number of queued bicycles on a signalised link is crucial information for the adoption of intelligent transport systems, aiming at a better management of cyclists in cities. An unsupervised machine learning methodology is deployed to produce estimations of accumulation levels ...