Xiaobo Liu

6 records found

This review aims to explore the potential for synchromodal transport planning at the operational level. Synchromodal transport planning involves the optimization of the movement of freights across multiple transport modes, with the objective of minimizing cost, improving efficien ...
This paper proposes a multilane traffic flow model based on the notions of conservation laws in Lagrangian coordinates. Both the mathematical formulation and the graphical representation are provided. A logit choice model is applied to describe drivers' lane choice probability. T ...
Urban travel times are rather variable as a result of a lot of stochastic factors both in traffic flows, signals, and other conditions on the infrastructure. However, the most common way both in literature and practice is to estimate or predict only expected travel times, not tra ...
The importance of travel time reliability in traffic management, control, and network design has received a lot of attention in the past decade. In this paper, a network travel time distribution model based on the Johnson curve system is proposed. The model is applied to field tr ...
The decision making of travelers for route choice and departure time choice depends on the expected travel time and its reliability. A common understanding of reliability is that it is related to several statistical properties of the travel time distribution, especially to the st ...
It is widely accepted that travelers value both the reliability of travel time and its mean or expected value. Strategies for traffic signal control typically seek to optimize average travel times, although reliability is in general not explicitly taken into account. In this pape ...