G. de Vries
21 records found
Mitigating climate change necessitates shifting citizens' behaviour towards more sustainable practices. Integrating psychological insights into public communication can significantly influence this behavioural change, while also potentially increasing perceptions of manipulation.
Who is 'smarter', humans or buildings?
A mixed method assessment of occupant behavior in smart building environments.
Given the building sector's significant impact on energy consumption and CO2 emissions, there is a clear need for a sustainable solution. Here, smart building technologies are emerging as a promising response, as they offer the potential to improve operational efficiency while re
Application of SHAP and Machine Learning to PVE Quantitative Data
A relatively novel approach of public participation is the Participatory Value Evaluation (PVE) in which a dilemma of a policymaker is provided to citizens (Mouter, Shortall, et al., 2021). In a PVE, citizens face a realistic choice task in which the policy dilemma is explained t
"It is just too much hassle!"
A stated choice experiment regarding the perception of hassle factors on the decision-making of heat pump adoption by homeowners in the Netherlands
European and Dutch environmental goals prescribe that national emitted CO2 levels need to be reduced. Therefore, the Dutch government chose to transition the whole Dutch residential sector to gas-free living by 2050, to decrease CO2 levels. Homeowners are responsible themselves f
Individual and contextual barriers to solar self-consumption
A qualitative and quantitative assessment of laundry loadshifting behavior in Dutch households
To use solar energy efficiently, reduce emissions and net congestion problems, prosumer households should substitute grid-consumed energy with self-consumption. Loadshifting is a low-cost measure to increase self-consumption, shifting energy-intensive behaviors (such as running t
Greening up my sports club
A qualitative exploration of sustainability transformation at Dutch sports clubs
The societal need for sustainability transformation is crucial in light of climate change, and the role of individual action and behavioural changes is considered critical in meeting the Paris agreement. Radical shifts in social norms are required, which could be achieved through
Materializing the Demand Response Potential from Heat Pumps in the Netherlands in 2050
Investigating the Role of Consumer Behavior
By the year 2050, the Dutch government aims to have transitioned away from natural gas and provide heating to all residential dwellings using more sustainable technologies. Heat pumps (both all-electric and hybrid models) are expected to play a large role in fulfilling this heati
Governance of Adaptive Delta Management in the Netherlands
Exploring how the institutional and instrumental governance of ADM in the Netherlands enhance adaptation to sea-level rise
In 2011, Adaptive Delta Management (ADM) was introduced in the Dutch Delta Program as a policy development method to incorporate uncertainty in decision making transparently. Currently, little is known over the functioning of ADM in practice, while this is determining its success
A quantitative analysis of user participation in demand response in a future electricity network
An agent-based exploratory modelling study of price- and incentive-based interventions
In the future, the energy supply will primarily consist of energy from renewables, which makes energy producers and grid operators fear that grid security and reliability could be threatened. On top of a more fluctuating supply, energy demand is also expected to increase in the c
Assessing alternative heating strategies in a Dutch neighborhood using a life cycle perspective and multiple household decision-making factors
Contributing to the heat transition in Dutch dwellings
Mobility as a Service applied in residential areas
Stated Choice experiment in the context of Dutch cities
This research has the goal to analyse the influence of neighbourhood characteristics on people’s willingness to adopt Mobility as a Service (MaaS) instead of the car for new residential areas. It estimated the influence of a reduced parking comfort, MaaS-hub availability and adit
Can nudges be used as a driver for sustainable behavior?
Is a transparent Foot-in-the-Door behavior influencing intervention an acceptable and effective driver for fruit and vegetable waste separation?
A replication of the classic Foot-in-the-Door experiment to observe if it can be used as a driver of fruit and vegetable waste separation. Move over, for the first time the transparency and the online use of this behaviour influencing tool are discussed within this thesis.
Biased decision-making in the building sector
A study on the psychological factors that influence the adoption of sustainable building methods
This thesis explores whether cognitive bias and hassle perceptions influence the adoption of sustainable building measures. A survey research and in-depth interviews were used to do so. It appears that innovation in the building sector is hindered by an internal resistance again
Disinformation in the European Union
Using systems thinking to assess the impact of current policies to reduce the spread and production of disinformation
Disinformation is a problem that has become more relevant over the past years. Also the European Union tried and is trying to deal with this problem by introducing multiple policy actions. However, the impact and usefulness of these policies is not clear. This thesis uses a combi
Persuasive games have great properties for facilitating lasting attitude change for complex societal issues, making them a valuable tool for achieving attitude change towards cooperation and information sharing that is often necessary for effective multi-actor decision-making. It
In this report the potential effect of framing on the decision-making process in participatory value evaluation is researched. Participatory Value Evaluation, PVE, is a method of evaluating citizens preference targeted towards public projects and their budget. For instance, PVE c
The Participatory Value Evaluation method
An application to the transition towards zero natural gas use at the local level of the neighborhood Hengstdal in Nijmegen
In this thesis, the applicability of a novel method – the Participatory Value Evaluation method – to the transition towards zero natural gas use at the local level of the case study neighborhood Hengstdal in Nijmegen was researched. The main objective of this thesis is to contrib
Guide to green
Developing a tool that provides insights into the use of message framing for pro-environmental consumer behaviour change
The goal of this thesis was to ‘develop a tool that offers insights in message framing for behaviour change to improve communication towards customers.’ By using an Design Based Research and Double Diamond approach constant iterations were made between theory and practice to deve
Asymmetric Joint Ventures
The effect of opportunism and trust on the performance of asymmetric joint ventures
Worldwide, organisations are establishing joint ventures to overcome market trends and size-specific challenges. Smaller sized organisations lack financial resources to introduce their innovation to the market, while larger sized organisations trouble with renewing their core bus
In the face of technological discontinuities and disruption, convergence and increased global com- petition, established firms need to transform their business models more rapidly, more frequently and more radically than in the past. In line with the open innovation paradigm, whi