R. Hai
21 records found
This thesis describes how the throughput of data ingestion on GPUs can be increased by using data compression. This is done through two main contributions. First, a high-level model is presented to assess the impact of compression on ingestion throughput. Second, a novel decompre
Modern building facades and indoor partition walls feature large amounts of transparency for sufficient lighting and social safety. However, this transparency leads to concerns about privacy invasion, as sensitive objects, such as computer monitors, are exposed to onlookers. The
Ensuring the privacy of medical data in a meaningful manner is a complex task. This domain presents a plethora of unique challenges: high stakes, vast differences between possible use cases, long-established methods that limit the number of feasible solutions, and more. Consequen
Tabular data is one of the most common forms of data in the industry and science. Recent research on synthetic data generation employs auto-regressive generative large language models (LLMs) to create highly realistic tabular data samples. With the increasing use of LLMs, there i
Time's Up!
Robust Watermarking in Large Language Models for Time Series Generation
The advent of pretrained probabilistic time series foundation models has significantly advanced the field of time series forecasting. Despite these models’ growing popularity, the application of watermarking techniques to them remains underexplored. This paper addresses this rese
When writing functional code that composes multiple recursive functions that operate on a datastrcuture, we often incur a lot of computational overhead allocating memory, only to later read, use, and discard this information.
This can be alleviated using fusion, a technique t ...
This can be alleviated using fusion, a technique t ...
Optimising Adaptive Resource Generation in Near-Term Quantum Networks
A Markov Decision Process Model to Produce an Optimal Resource Generation Policy
A quantum network allows us to connect quantum information processors to achieve capabilities that are not possible using classical computation. Quantum network protocols typically require several entangled states available simultaneously. Previously, an entanglement generation p
Meet Your Onboarding Buddy
A Smart, Adaptive, and Conversational LLM Assistant to Smooth Your Software Onboarding Journey
Effective onboarding in software engineering is critical yet challenging due to the rapid evolution of technologies, languages, frameworks, and tools. Traditional exploration, documentation and workshop-based onboarding methods tend to be expensive, time-consuming and can get ou
Time-Series Forecasting with Hybrid Federated Learning
A Personalized Approach to Collaboration
Collaborative efforts in Predictive Maintenance and Control can be beneficial for manufacturers and customers in industrial environments. However, these efforts are challenged by the need for multi-dimensional sharing of information about the same type (horizontal) and piece (ver
Software development has increasingly become an activity that is (partially) done online on open-source platforms such as GitHub, and with it, so have the tools developers typically use. One such category of tools is that of code coverage tools. These tools track and report cover
Mixed-direction train shunting with numerical planning
Approach to support train departures at any time during the shunting plan
In this paper, we discuss our novel approach to support mixed-direction shunting in the planning domain for tree-like shunting yards. We explain how we used numeric fluents to improve an existing PDDL domain to support such actions. We elaborate on the underlying conceptual model
Dealing with conflicting trains
Effectively avoiding and resolving conflicts during shunting
A shunting yard is used to store trains between arrival and departure. A conflict arises in a shunting yard when one train obstructs another from leaving. Resolving a conflict is done by re-allocating the trains obstructing the departing train to other tracks in the shunting yard
Comparing planners for rail planning in PDDL
How multiple shunting yard layouts can be created in PDDL to replicate real-world scenarios
This paper explored the usage of the Planning Domain Definition Language in the Train Unit Shunting Problem or TUSP, an NP-hard problem that occurs in train storage. This paper focuses on the evaluation and improvement of existing planners to solve TUSP with multiple shunting yar
Optimizing the PDDL domain of TUSP to improve planner performance
Modifying the domain to improve planner execution time, plan quality, and problem solvability
It is possible to improve the performance of planners by modifying the PDDL domain of a problem. The goal of this research is to implement this to the domain of the Train Unit Shunting Problem (TUSP). The research question we attempt to answer is: To what extent can we improve pl
When not in use, trains are stored at shunting yards, where they may need servicing. Planning for where the rolling stock should be parked during its stay at the yard is known as the Train Unit Shunting Problem (TUSP) and it is NP-hard. Algorithmic planners can assist with this c
This thesis was written in during my internship at Adyen as the final project of the Master’s program in Computer Science at the TU Delft. In my Bachelor’s thesis, I compared the energy consumption of three Android UI frameworks, and I chose to continue working on the subject of
Tabular data synthesis is a promising approach to circumvent strict regulations on data privacy. Although the state-of-the-art tabular data synthesizers, e.g., table-GAN, CTGAN, TVAE, and CTAB-GAN, are effective at generating synthetic tabular data, they are sensitive to column p
This paper is a literature survey on homotopy type theory, analyzing the formalization of sets within homotopy type theory. Set theory is embedded in homotopy type theory via h-sets, with all h-sets forming the type Set. This paper presents the properties of the type Se
The incorporation of the univalence axiom into homotopy type theory has facilitated a new way of proving a basic result in algebraic topology: that the fundamental group of the circle is the integers (π1(S1) ≃ Z). This proof is formalised by Licata and Shulman. However, while the
This report explores the differences in implementations of homotopy type theory using different definitions of finite sets. The expressive ability of homotopy theory is explored when using the newly established definition and implementation of Kuratowski finite sets. This impleme