15 records found


With the fast development of e-commerce, there is a higher demand for timely delivery. Logistic companies want to send receivers a more accurate arrival prediction to improve customer satisfaction and lower customer retention costs. One approach is to share (near) real-time lo ...

Blockchain’s potential to revolutionize supply chain and logistics with transparency and equitable stakeholder engagement is significant. However, challenges like scalability, privacy, and interoperability persist. This study explores the scarcity of real-world blockchain impleme ...
Verifiable Credential (VC) is a new standard proposed by the W3C association to facilitate the expression and verification of third-party-verified credentials on the Internet, such as passports or diplomas. However, the current VC data model lacks an explicit revocation design th ...
With the emerging of e-commerce, package theft is at a high level: It is reported that 1.7 million packages are stolen or lost every day in the U.S. in 2020, which costs $25 million every day for the lost packages and the service. Information leakage during transportation is an i ...
In January 2017, a truck crossed the border between Spain and France for the first time using an e-CMR: An electronic version of the primary transport document required for inter-European logistics. Since that crossing, researchers and logistic organizations have proposed a large ...


A Privacy-Preserving Decentralised Key Management System

There is an increase in interest and necessity for an interoperable and efficient railway network across Europe, creating a key distribution problem between train and trackside entities’ key management centres (KMC). Train and trackside entities establish a secure session using s ...


Ensuring the privacy of medical data in a meaningful manner is a complex task. This domain presents a plethora of unique challenges: high stakes, vast differences between possible use cases, long-established methods that limit the number of feasible solutions, and more. Consequen ...

Privacy Preserving Train Scheduling

Using homomorphic encryption to create train schedules

A substantial number of passengers in Europe rely on trains for transportation, facilitated by a network of high-speed international trains. However, the coordination of train schedules across multiple networks often poses challenges due to incompatible timings. The scheduling of ...
Third-party verified credentials (e.g. passports, diplomas) are essential in our daily life. The usage of third-party verified credentials bring us convenience in authentication. The Verifiable Credential (VC) data model is a new standard proposed by the W3C association to ease t ...
The convenient service offered by credit cards and the technological advances in e-commerce have caused the number of online payment transactions to increase daily. With this rising number, the opportunity for fraudsters to obtain cardholder details via online credit card fraud h ...
The following paper aims to investigate what and how are the main privacy-preserving methods applied in the blockchain-based supply chain industry scenario, with a primary focus on the food sector. Recent developments, such as the exordium of cryptocurrencies to increment efficie ...
Supply chains are vital to the global economy, and so, increasing efficiency in supply chain management is of utmost importance. Modernizing technology has allowed for various uses of machine learning to be possible in several aspects of supply chains, specifically in demand fore ...
Collaboration is a key technique in modern supply chains, both for building trust with other companies, but also for reducing costs or maximizing profits. It is an approach which provides all involved parties with benefits that they could not possibly achieve on their own. Collab ...
Blockchain is an expanding technologythat offers benefits when applied to supplychain management. This distributed ledgertechnology is combined with supply chainsfor its intrinsic characteristics. For instance,traceability, immutability, and more arediscussed. In this p ...
Despite evidence that collaborating in the supply chain can reduce inefficiency and result in mutual gain, parties do not wish to collaborate if they have to share their private proprietary information. The main reason for their privacy concern is that the party does not want to ...