B.P. Ahrens
12 records found
Insights from Univalent Foundations
A Case Study Using Double Categories
Category theory unifies mathematical concepts, aiding comparisons across structures by incorporating not just objects, but also morphisms capturing interactions between objects. Of particular importance in some applications are double categories, which are categories with two cla
C-systems were defined by Cartmell as the algebraic structures that correspond exactly to generalised algebraic theories. B-systems were defined by Voevodsky in his quest to formulate and prove an initiality conjecture for type theories. They play a crucial role in Voevodsky's co
Category theory is a branch of mathematics that provides a formal framework for understanding the relationship between mathematical structures. To this end, a category not only incorporates the data of the desired objects, but also "morphisms", which capture how different objects
Algebraic theories with dependency between sorts form the structural core of Martin-Löf type theory and similar systems. Their denotational semantics are typically studied using categorical techniques; many different categorical structures have been introduced to model them (cont
We present a formalization of different categorical structures used to interpret linear logic. Our formalization takes place in UniMath, a library of univalent mathematics based on the Coq proof assistant. All the categorical structures we formalize are based on monoidal categori
We describe a generic construction of non-wellfounded syntax involving variable binding and its monadic substitution operation.
Our construction of the syntax and its substitution takes place in category theory, notably by using monoidal categories and strong functors be ...
Our construction of the syntax and its substitution takes place in category theory, notably by using monoidal categories and strong functors be ...
C-systems were defined by Cartmell as models of generalized algebraic theories. B-systems were defined by Voevodsky in his quest to formulate and prove an initiality conjecture for type theories. They play a crucial role in Voevodsky's construction of a syntactic C-system from a
Bicategorical type theory
Semantics and syntax
We develop semantics and syntax for bicategorical type theory. Bicategorical type theory features contexts, types, terms, and directed reductions between terms. This type theory is naturally interpreted in a class of structured bicategories. We start by developing the semantics,
Univalent categories constitute a well-behaved and useful notion of category in univalent foundations. The notion of univalence has subsequently been generalized to bicategories and other structures in (higher) category theory. Here, we zoom in on monoidal categories and study th
We develop bicategory theory in univalent foundations. Guided by the notion of univalence for (1-)categories studied by Ahrens, Kapulkin, and Shulman, we define and study univalent bicategories. To construct examples of univalent bicategories in a modular fashion, we develop disp
In previous work ("From signatures to monads in UniMath"),we described a category-theoretic construction of abstract syntax from a signature, mechanized in the UniMath library based on the Coq proof assistant.
In the present work, we describe what was necessary to genera ...
In the present work, we describe what was necessary to genera ...
We propose a general notion of model for two-dimensional type theory, in the form of comprehension bicategories. Examples of comprehension bicategories are plentiful; they include interpretations of directed type theory previously studied in the literature. From comprehension bic