Ralph Matthes

4 records found


We describe a generic construction of non-wellfounded syntax involving variable binding and its monadic substitution operation.

Our construction of the syntax and its substitution takes place in category theory, notably by using monoidal categories and strong functors be ...

We present a formalization of different categorical structures used to interpret linear logic. Our formalization takes place in UniMath, a library of univalent mathematics based on the Coq proof assistant. All the categorical structures we formalize are based on monoidal categ ...

Univalent categories constitute a well-behaved and useful notion of category in univalent foundations. The notion of univalence has subsequently been generalized to bicategories and other structures in (higher) category theory. Here, we zoom in on monoidal categories and study ...

In previous work ("From signatures to monads in UniMath"),we described a category-theoretic construction of abstract syntax from a signature, mechanized in the UniMath library based on the Coq proof assistant.

In the present work, we describe what was necessary to genera ...