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160 records found

Running a Red Light

An Investigation into Why Software Engineers (Occasionally) Ignore Coverage Checks

Many modern code coverage tools track and report code coverage data generated from running tests during continuous integration. They report code coverage data through a variety of channels, including email, Slack, Mattermost, or through the web interface of social coding platform ...
As we have come to rely on software systems in our daily lives, we have a clear expectation about the reliability of these systems. To ensure this reliability, automated software quality assurance processes have become an important part of software development. However, given the ...
Software testing is a necessary aspect of software development. With high expectations placed on software testers and a shortage of qualified professionals, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have emerged as a potential solution to improve software testing education. MOOCs provi ...
Writing unit tests is a crucial task in software development, but it is also recognized as a time-consuming and tedious task. As such, numerous test generation approaches have been proposed and investigated. However, most of these test generation tools produce tests that are typi ...
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) have gained traction in recent years. A major non-functional quality of CPS is performance since it affects both usability and security. This critical quality attribute depends on the specialized hardware, simulation engines, and environmental factor ...
To ensure the quality of software systems, software engineers can make use of a variety of quality assurance approaches, for example, software testing, modern code review, automated static analysis, and build automation. Each of these quality assurance practices have been studied ...

Mind the Gap

What Working With Developers on Fuzz Tests Taught Us About Coverage Gaps

Can fuzzers generate partial tests that developers find useful enough to complete into functional tests (e.g., by adding assertions)? To address this question, we develop a prototype within the Mozilla ecosystem and open 13 bug reports proposing partial generated tests for curren ...

Shaken, Not Stirred

How Developers Like Their Amplified Tests

Test amplification makes systematic changes to existing, manually written tests to provide tests complementary to an automated test suite. We consider developer-centric test amplification, where the developer explores, judges and edits the amplified tests before adding them to th ...
Flexible printing systems are highly complex systems that consist of printers, that print individual sheets of paper, and finishing equipment, that processes sheets after printing, for example, assembling a book. Integrating finishing equipment with printers involves the developm ...

Sentiment overflow in the testing stack

Analyzing software testing posts on Stack Overflow

Software testing is an integral part of modern software engineering practice. Past research has not only underlined its significance, but also revealed its multi-faceted nature. The practice of software testing and its adoption is influenced by many factors that go beyond tools o ...
Test case prioritization techniques have emerged as effective strategies to optimize this process and mitigate the regression testing costs. Commonly, black-box heuristics guide optimal test ordering, leveraging information retrieval (e.g., cosine distance) to measure the test ca ...
Projects on GitHub rely on the automation provided by software development bots. Nevertheless, the presence of bots can be annoying and disruptive to the community. Backed by multiple studies with practitioners, this article provides guidelines for developing and maintaining soft ...
Search-based approaches have been used in the literature to automate the process of creating unit test cases. However, related work has shown that generated tests with high code coverage could be ineffective, i.e., they may not detect all faults or kill all injected mutants. In t ...
Test amplification generates new tests by mutating existing, developer-written tests and keeping those tests that improve the coverage of the test suite. Current amplification tools focus on starting from a specific test and propose coverage improvements all over a software proje ...
Software testing is generally acknowledged to be an important weapon in the arsenal of software engineers to produce correct and reliable software systems. However, given the importance of the topic, little is known about where software engineers get their testing knowledge and s ...
Software engineers employ a variety of approaches to ensure the quality of software systems, including software testing, modern code review, automated static analysis, build automation, and continuous integration. To make effective decisions regarding quality assurance (QA), soft ...
Automatic unit test generators such as EvoSuite are able to automatically generate unit test suites with high coverage. This removes the burden of writing unit tests from developers, but the generated tests are often difficult to understand for them. In this paper, we introduce t ...

Revisiting the debate

Are code metrics useful for measuring maintenance effort?

Evaluating and predicting software maintenance effort using source code metrics is one of the holy grails of software engineering. Unfortunately, previous research has provided contradictory evidence in this regard. The debate is still open: as a community we are not certain abou ...


An Interactive Assistant to Stimulate Test Engineering

Software testing is one of the most important aspects of modern software development. To ensure the quality of the software, developers should ideally write and execute automated tests regularly as their code-base evolves. TestKnight, a plugin for the IntelliJ IDEA integrated dev ...