P. Derakhshanfar
19 records found
Writing software tests is laborious and time-consuming. To address this, prior studies introduced various automated test-generation techniques. A well-explored research direction in this field is unit test generation, wherein artificial intelligence (AI) techniques create tests f
Search-based approaches have been used in the literature to automate the process of creating unit test cases. However, related work has shown that generated tests with high code coverage could be ineffective, i.e., they may not detect all faults or kill all injected mutants. In t
Testing with simulation environments helps to identify critical failing scenarios for self-driving cars (SDCs). Simulation-based tests are safer than in-field operational tests and allow detecting software defects before deployment. However, these tests are very expensive and are
Search-based techniques have been widely used for white-box test generation. Many of these approaches rely on the approach level and branch distance heuristics to guide the search process and generate test cases with high line and branch coverage. Despite the positive results ach
Basic Block Coverage (BBC) is a secondary objective for search-based unit test generation techniques relying on the approach level and branch distance to drive the search process. Unlike the approach level and branch distance, which considers only information related to the cover
State-of-the-art search-based approaches for test case generation work at test case level, where tests are represented as sequences of statements. These approaches make use of genetic operators (i.e., mutation and crossover) that create test variants by adding, altering, and remo
Software testing is one of the essential and expensive tasks in software development. Hence, many approaches were introduced to automate different software testing tasks. Among these techniques, search-based test generation techniques have been vastly applied in real-world cases
This is an extended abstract of the article: Pouria Derakhshanfar, Xavier Devroey, Gilles Perrouin, Andy Zaidman and Arie van Deursen. 2019. Search-based crash reproduction using behavioural model seeding. In: Software Testing, Verification and Reliability (May 2020). http://doi.
This study presents the initial step towards a thorough analysis of the difficulty to reproduce a crash using searchbased crash reproduction. Traditionally, code size and complexity are considered representative indicators of the difficulty for search-based approaches, like searc
Model seeding is a strategy for injecting additional information in a search-based test generation process in the form of models, representing usages of the classes of the software under test. These models are used during the search-process to generate logical sequences of calls
Various search-based test generation techniques have been proposed to automate the generation of unit tests fulfilling different criteria (e.g., line coverage, branch coverage, mutation score, etc.). Despite several advances made over the years, search-based unit test generation
Search-based techniques have been widely used for white-box test generation. Many of these approaches rely on the approach level and branch distance heuristics to guide the search process and generate test cases with high line and branch coverage. Despite the positive results ach
Crash reproduction approaches help developers during debugging by generating a test case that reproduces a given crash. Several solutions have been proposed to automate this task. However, the proposed solutions have been evaluated on a limited number of projects, making comparis
Evolutionary-based crash reproduction techniques aid developers in their debugging practices by generating a test case that reproduces a crash given its stack trace. In these techniques, the search process is typically guided by a single search objective called Crash Distance. Pr
Search-based crash reproduction approaches assist developers during debugging by generating a test case, which reproduces a crash given its stack trace. One of the fundamental steps of this approach is creating objects needed to trigger the crash. One way to overcome this limitat
Approaches for automatic crash reproduction aim to generate test cases that reproduce crashes starting from the crash stack traces. These tests help developers during their debugging practices. One of the most promising techniques in this research field leverages search-based sof
Search-based test data generation approaches have come a long way over the past few years, but these approaches still have some limitations when it comes to exercising specific behavior for triggering particular kinds of faults (e.g., crashes or specific types of integration betw
Good Things Come In Threes
Improving Search-based Crash Reproduction With Helper Objectives
Writing a test case reproducing a reported software crash is a common practice to identify the root cause of an anomaly in the software under test. However, this task is usually labor-intensive and time-taking. Hence, evolutionary intelligence approaches have been successfully ap
EvoCrash is a recent search-based approach to generate a test case that reproduces reported crashes. The search is guided by a fitness function that uses a weighted sum scalarization to combine three different heuristics: (i) code coverage, (ii) crash coverage and (iii) stack tra