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82 records found


The development of programming languages can be quite complicated and costly. Hence, much effort has been devoted to the modular definition of language features that can be reused in various combinations to define new languages and experiment with their semantics. A notable ou ...

An intrinsically-typed definitional interpreter is a concise specification of dynamic semantics, that is executable and type safe by construction. Unfortunately, scaling intrinsically-typed definitional interpreters to more complicated object languages often results in definition ...

Knowing when to ask

Sound scheduling of name resolution in type checkers derived from declarative specifications

There is a large gap between the specification of type systems and the implementation of their type checkers, which impedes reasoning about the soundness of the type checker with respect to the specification. A vision to close this gap is to automatically obtain type checkers ...

Symbolic execution is a technique for automatic software validation and verification. New symbolic executors regularly appear for both existing and new languages and such symbolic executors are generally manually (re)implemented each time we want to support a new language. We ...

Scope graphs are a promising generic framework to model the binding structures of programming languages, bridging formalization and implementation, supporting the definition of type checkers and the automation of type safety proofs. However, previous work on scope graphs has been ...
A definitional interpreter defines the semantics of an object language in terms of the (well-known) semantics of a host language, enabling understanding and validation of the semantics through execution. Combining a definitional interpreter with a separate type system requires a ...
Abstract interpretation is a technique for developing static analyses. Yet, proving abstract interpreters sound is challenging for interesting analyses, because of the high proof complexity and proof effort. To reduce complexity and effort, we propose a framework for abstract int ...

Scopes Describe Frames

A Uniform Model for Memory Layout in Dynamic Semantics (Artifact)

Our paper introduces a systematic approach to the alignment of names in the static structure of a program, and memory layout and access during its execution. We develop a uniform memory model consisting of frames that instantiate the scopes in the scope graph of a program. This p ...

Scopes describe frames

A uniform model for memory layout in dynamic semantics

Semantic specifications do not make a systematic connection between the names and scopes in the static structure of a program and memory layout, and access during its execution. In this paper we introduce a systematic approach to the alignment of names in static semantics and mem ...


Static Analysis is of indispensable value for the robustness of software systems and the efficiency of developers. Moreover, many modern-day software systems are composed of interacting subsystems written in different programming languages. However, in most cases no static valida ...

Dynamix on the Frame VM

Declarative dynamic semantics on a VM using scopes as frames

Over the years virtual machines (VMs) have been created to abstract over computer hardware. This simplified code generation and allowed for easy portability between hardware platforms. These VMs are however highly tailored to a particular runtime model. This improves the executio ...
Code duplication is a form of technical debt frequently observed in software systems. Its existence negatively affects the maintainability of a system in numerous ways. In order to tackle the issues that come with it, various automated clone detection techniques have been propose ...
Web APIs can have constraints on parameters, such that not all parameters are either always required or always optional. Sometimes the presence or value of one parameter could cause another parameter to be required. Additionally, parameters could have restrictions on what kinds o ...
The skyline operator has been proposed to bridge the gap between traditional and multimedia database systems by finding the optimal objects according to the notion of Pareto dominance. According to the notion of Pareto dominance an object dominates another if it is better in one ...
Constraint logic programming (CLP) is a combination of two programming paradigms: constraint programming and logic programming. This combination allows us to write programs in a concise way and still be executed efficiently. CLP is commonly used for many domains, such as test dat ...
Type systems and their accompanying checkers provide support for the programmer to write better and safer code, faster, with less effort and with less errors. There are however properties that can not be checked at compile time yet. Refinement types are potentially the solution. ...

Akka Decision Engine

An actor based decision engine on the DMN 1.1 specifications

Decision engines can decide from a certain input what the output should be. This is done in a table with columns for inputs and outputs and rows for a combination of inputs together with its corresponding output. A row is also called a rule. A simple program to decide such a deci ...
Side-effect are ubiquitous in programming. Examples include mutable state, exceptions, non-determinism, and user input. Algebraic effects and handlers are an approach to programming that gives a structured way of programming with effects. Each effect in a system with algebraic ef ...


Template programming for Siemens SCL

Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) are used to control large scale systems with thousands of I/O devices. Writing and maintaining the logic for each of these is a cumbersome task, which is well suited to be abstracted through templating. For this purpose, CERN developed the Un ...
Session types are a formal method to describe communication protocols between two or more actors. Protocols that type check are guaranteed to respect communication safety, linearity, progress, and session fidelity. Basic session types, however, do not in general guarantee anythin ...