R.J. Krebbers

31 records found



Managing obligations in higher-order concurrent separation logic

Precise management of resources and the obligations they impose, such as the need to dispose of memory, close locks, and release file handles, is hardÐespecially in the presence of concurrency, when some resources are shared, and different threads operate on them concurrently. We ...
Research into C verification often ignores that the C standard leaves the evaluation order of expressions unspecified, and assigns undefined behavior to write-write or read-write conflicts in subexpressions—so called “sequence point violations”. These aspects should be accounted ...


A Mechanised Relational Logic for Fine-Grained Concurrency

We present ReLoC: a logic for proving refinements of programs in a language with higher-order state, fine-grained concurrency, polymorphism and recursive types. The core of our logic is a judgement e ⪯ e': τ, which expresses that a program e refines a program e' at type τ. In con ...


A general, extensible modal framework for interactive proofs in separation logic

A number of tools have been developed for carrying out separation-logic proofs mechanically using an interactive proof assistant. One of the most advanced such tools is the Iris Proof Mode (IPM) for Coq, which offers a rich set of tactics for making separation-logic proofs look a ...


Typed tactics for backward reasoning in Coq

Coq supports a range of built-in tactics, which are engineered primarily to support backward reasoning. Starting from a desired goal, the Coq programmer can use these tactics to manipulate the proof state interactively, applying axioms or lemmas to break the goal into subgoals un ...

Iris from the ground up

A modular foundation for higher-order concurrent separation logic

Iris is a framework for higher-order concurrent separation logic, which has been implemented in the Coq proof assistant and deployed very effectively in a wide variety of verification projects. Iris was designed with the express goal of simplifying and consolidating the foundatio ...
Rust is a new systems programming language that promises to overcome the seemingly fundamental tradeoff between high-level safety guarantees and low-level control over resource management. Unfortunately, none of Rust's safety claims have been formally proven, and there is good re ...
A definitional interpreter defines the semantics of an object language in terms of the (well-known) semantics of a host language, enabling understanding and validation of the semantics through execution. Combining a definitional interpreter with a separate type system requires a ...

Concurrent separation logics (CSLs) have come of age, and with age they have accumulated a great deal of complexity. Previous work on the Iris logic attempted to reduce the complex logical mechanisms of modern CSLs to two orthogonal concepts: partial commutative monoids (PCMs) ...

When using a proof assistant to reason in an embedded logic -- like separation logic -- one cannot benefit from the proof contexts and basic tactics of the proof assistant. This results in proofs that are at a too low level of abstraction because they are cluttered with bookkeepi ...
The development of concurrent separation logic (CSL) has sparked a long line of work on modular verification of sophisticated concurrent programs. Two of the most important features supported by several existing extensions to CSL are higher-order quantification and custom ghost s ...

Moessner's Theorem

An Exercise in Coinductive Reasoning in Coq

Moessner’s Theorem describes a construction of the sequence of powers (1n, 2n, 3n, . . .), by repeatedly dropping and summing elements from the sequence of positive natural numbers. The theorem was presented by Moessner in 1951 without a proof and later proved and generalized in ...
The core of a formal semantics of an imperative programming language is a memory model that describes the behavior of operations on the memory. Defining a memory model that matches the description of C in the C11 standard is challenging because C allows both high-level (by means ...


Side-effect are ubiquitous in programming. Examples include mutable state, exceptions, non-determinism, and user input. Algebraic effects and handlers are an approach to programming that gives a structured way of programming with effects. Each effect in a system with algebraic ef ...
In this thesis, we focus on database query processing for so-called experience items, i.e., items commonly encountered in E-Commerce systems such as books, games or movies which are better described by their perceived subjective consumption experience, or Perceptual Features, tha ...
When using an integrated development environment, it is desirable to get real-time feedback on the correctness of the program. That is, we want to see the results of the type checker in real-time. However, type checking can take a long time, especially when the subject program is ...
A definitional interpreter is an interpreter which uses the semantics of its own host language to define those of its object language. Traditionally, a seperate type safety proof is used for such an interpreter. Using a "typesafe-by-construction" approach, where the typesafety is ...
Technolution is a company that specializes in building embedded and information systems, in which software plays a key role. Recently, Technolution is transitioning from the use of C in embedded systems, to Rust, a relatively new programming language developed by Mozilla. By desi ...
Since its inception in 1995, JavaScript usage has grown far beyond its initial domain of interactive websites. As the size of applications developed in the language grows, so does the desire for static analysis such as typechecking to provide safety and reliability. Many developm ...

Cryostat Control

Real time control for a cryogenic refrigerator

In order to measure the spectrum of radio emissions from galaxies and other deep space objects, a new superconducting spectrometer, working at very cold temperatures close to the absolute zero, is developed. An advanced cooling system called a cryostat is used to cool down the sp ...