J.G.H. Cockx

70 records found


Pattern matching is a high-level notation for programs to analyse the shape of data, and can be optimised to efficient low-level instructions. The Stratego language uses first-class pattern matching, a powerful form of pattern matching that traditional optimisation techniq ...

Datatype-generic programming makes it possible to define a construction once and apply it to a large class of datatypes. It is often used to avoid code duplication in languages that encourage the definition of custom datatypes, in particular state-of-the-art dependently typed ...

Most existing programming languages provide little support to formally state and prove properties about programs. Adding such capabilities is far from trivial, as it requires significant re-engineering of the existing compilers and tools. This paper proposes a novel technique ...

The taming of the Rew

A type theory with computational assumptions

Dependently typed programming languages and proof assistants such as Agda and Coq rely on computation to automatically simplify expressions during type checking. To overcome the lack of certain programming primitives or logical principles in those systems, it is common to appe ...

Type Theory Unchained

Extending Agda with User-Defined Rewrite Rules

Dependently typed languages such as Coq and Agda can statically guarantee the correctness of our proofs and programs. To provide this guarantee, they restrict users to certain schemes a- such as strictly positive datatypes, complete case analysis, and well-founded induction a- ...

In a dependently typed language, we can guarantee correctness of our programmes by providing formal proofs. To check them, the typechecker elaborates these programs and proofs into a low-level core language. However, this core language is by nature hard to understand by mere h ...

Consider two widely used definitions of equality. That of Leibniz: One value equals another if any predicate that holds of the first holds of the second. And that of Martin-Löf: The type identifying one value with another is occupied if the two values are identical. The former da ...


The front-end of a compiler reads the source program and performs analyses such as type checking. The goal of the front-end is to check for the presence of syntactic and semantic errors before the program is passed to the back-end of the compiler for tasks such as optimization an ...
Static Analysis is of indispensable value for the robustness of software systems and the efficiency of developers. Moreover, many modern-day software systems are composed of interacting subsystems written in different programming languages. However, in most cases no static valida ...
Agda2hs is a program which compiles a subset of Agda to Haskell. In this paper, an implementation of the Haskell library QuadTree is created and verified in this subset of Agda, such that Agda2hs can then produce a verified Haskell implementation. To aid with this verification, a ...
Equational reasoning based verification address some of the limitations of classical testing. The Curry-Howard correspondence shows a direct link between type systems and mathematical logic based proofs. Agda is a language with totality and dependent types which makes use of the ...
Purely functional languages are advantageous in that it is easy to reason about the correctness of functions. Dependently typed programming languages such as Agda enable us to prove properties in the language itself. However, dependently typed programming languages have a steep l ...
Formal verification works better than testing, since the correctness of a program is proven. It is researched if it is possible and feasible to formally verify the Inductive Graph Library. The library is an abstract class in Haskell and is ported manually to Agda. Agda is a total ...
agda2hs is a project that aims to combine the best parts of Haskell and Agda by providing a common subset between them. It allows programmers to im- plement libraries in Agda, verify their correctness and then translate the result to Haskell so they can be used by Haskell program ...
IoT devices keep entering our homes with the promise of delivering more services and enhancing user experience; however, these new devices also carry along an alarming number of vulnerabilities and security issues. In most cases, the users of these devices are completely unaware ...
Nowadays does the internet presence of companies increase, and with it, their attack surface and the probability of breaches: every information system in the company's network may be an entry point for an outsider. Therefore, companies need to secure their information systems. Ho ...
The Spoofax Testing Language (SPT) is the existing solution for testing in the Spoofax language workbench. It allows developers of domain specific languages to write their test cases declaratively. As it aims to be implementation agnostic, developers don't need to concern themsel ...

Recognition of Personal Opinions

In Dutch Public Records Requests

The Dutch version of the Public Records Request is named the ‘Wet Openbaarheid van Bestuur’ (Wob) , which provides the public with the right to request access to records from any governmental institution. The government has the obligation to provide information ab ...
Software applications inevitably crash, and it is time-consuming to recreate the crash conditions for debugging. Recently, researchers have developed frameworks relying on genetic algorithms, e.g. Botsing, for automated crash reproduction. However, the existing approaches process ...
A recent advancement in Reinforcement Learning is the capability of modelling opponents. In this work, we are interested in going back to basics and testing this capability within the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma, a simple method for modelling multi agent systems. Using t ...