A.S. Zwaan
6 records found
Many programming languages allow programmers to regulate accessibility; i.e., annotating a declaration with keywords such as export and private to indicate where it can be accessed. Despite the importance of name accessibility for, e.g., compilers, editor auto-completion and tool
Static type systems can greatly enhance the quality of programs, but implementing a type checker that is both expressive and user-friendly is challenging and error-prone. The Statix meta-language (part of the Spoofax language workbench) aims to make this task easier by automatica
Scope Graphs
The Story so Far
Static name binding (i.e., associating references with appropriate declarations) is an essential aspect of programming languages. However, it is usually treated in an unprincipled manner, often leaving a gap between formalization and implementation. The scope graph formalism miti
An important aspect of type checking is name resolution — i.e., determining the types of names by resolving them to a matching declaration. For most languages, we can give typing rules that define name resolution in a way that abstracts from what order different units of code sho
Incremental Type-Checking for Free
Using Scope Graphs to Derive Incremental Type-Checkers
Fast analysis response times in IDEs are essential for a good editor experience. Incremental type-checking can provide that in a scalable fashion. However, existing techniques are not reusable between languages. Moreover, mutual and dynamic dependencies preclude traditional appro
To warrant programmer productivity, type checker results should be correct and available quickly. Correctness can be provided when a type checker implementation corresponds to a declarative type system specification. Statix is a type system specification language which achieves t