A.S. Zwaan

3 records found

Static type-checking allows us to detect ill-typed programs even before running them. However, the higher complexity of type systems may cause type-checker implementation to differ from their specifications. This causes bugs and makes it hard to reason about the type of systems. ...
The Statix meta-language has been developed in order to simplify the definition of static semantics in programming languages. A high-level static semantics definition of a language in Statix can be used to generate a type-checker, hence abstracting over the shared implementation ...

Renaming for Everyone

Language-parametric Renaming in Spoofax

A refactoring is a program transformation that improves the design of the source code, while preserving its behavior. Most modern IDEs offer a number of automated refactorings as editor services. The Rename refactoring is the most-commonly applied refactoring and is used to chang ...