A.S. Zwaan
5 records found
Substructural typing imposes additional constraints on variable usage during type checking and requires specialized approaches to ensure type soundness. In this study, we investigate the implementation of a type checker using scope graphs for languages with substructural type sys
Building Type Checker Using Scope Graphs
For a Language with Type Classes
In this paper, we explore scope graphs as a formal model for constructing type checkers for programming languages that support type classes. Type classes provide a powerful mechanism for ad hoc-polymorphism and code reuse. Nevertheless, the incorporation of type classes into type
Type-Checking Modules and Imports using Scope Graphs
A Case Study on a Language with Relative, Unordered and Glob Import Semantics
Scope graphs provide a way to type-check real-world programming languages and their constructs. A previous implementation that type-checks the proof-of-concept language LM, a language with relative, unordered, and glob imports, does not halt. This thesis discusses a five-step app
Building Type Checkers Using Scope Graphs
Scope Graph-Based Type Checking for a Scala Subset
This paper investigates the viability of using scope graphs to implement type checkers for programming languages, specifically for a Scala subset. The primary objective is to determine if scope graphs can offer a declarative and extensible approach to type checking. To achieve th
Static type systems can greatly enhance the quality of programs, but implementing a type checker for them is challenging and error-prone. The Statix meta-language (part of the Spoofax language workbench) aims to make this task easier by automatically deriving a type checker from