14 records found


Eating Your Own Dog Food

WebDSL Case Studies to Improve Academic Workflows

SDF, Stratego and Spoofax provide a platform for development of domain-specific programming languages. On this platform, the WebDSL project started out as a case study in language engineering, and grew into a reliable tool for rapid prototyping and continuous development of we ...

Conf Researchr

A Domain-Specific Content Management System for Managing Large Conference Websites

Conferences are great opportunities for sharing research, debating solutions, and networking. For the organizing committee there is a considerable deal of complexity and effort required to provide attendees and organizers with ways to find and manage programs, sessions, papers ...

Code completion is an editor service in IDEs that proposes code fragments for the user to insert at the caret position in their code. Code completion should be sound and complete. It should be sound, such that it only proposes fragments that do not violate the syntactic and stati ...

New programming languages often lack good IDE support, as developing advanced semantic editor services takes additional effort. In previous work we discussed the operational requirements of a constraint solver that leverages the declarative type system specification of a langu ...

Editor services assist programmers to more effectively write and comprehend code. Implementing editor services correctly is not trivial. This paper focuses on the specification of semantic editor services, those that use the semantic model of a program. The specification of re ...


The Language Server Protocol (LSP) is a protocol that standardizes the way Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) and text editors communicate with language servers to provide language-specific features like autocompletion, go-to-definition, and diagnostics. While LSP has bee ...
Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Functions, BRDFs, describe the reflectance of light on a ma-terial, and are widely used in computer graphics to render materials. Acquiring a full measured BRDF can be costly and time consuming, so this research aims to answer the question ” ...

Soft Peaks

The effects of smoothing on ray reflections

The micro detail on surfaces can have a profound effect on how rays bounce of it. In ray tracing, this micro-surface is normally approximated with statistical models. We wish to figure out what the effect of normal interpolation and Phong tessellation is on how rays reflect on th ...

Shining a light on material appearance

Mapping NDFs to heightfields

This research proposes a new algorithm for mapping Normal Distribution Functions to Heightfields in order to answer its research question: ”Given an NDF, how can we generate a corresponding Heightfield using simple optimization algorithms?”. This research is important, as it help ...
Creating photorealistic images is one of the ultimate goals of computer graphics. Previous work has shown that a material's microstructure plays a crucial role when trying to achieve photorealism. This is because a material's appearance depends on the roughness of its microstruc ...

Renaming for Everyone

Language-parametric Renaming in Spoofax

A refactoring is a program transformation that improves the design of the source code, while preserving its behavior. Most modern IDEs offer a number of automated refactorings as editor services. The Rename refactoring is the most-commonly applied refactoring and is used to chang ...
JSGLR2 is a modular Java implementation of the SGLR parsing algorithm that supports systematic benchmarking and improvement of its several parsing variants. By splitting the code into several components, they can be tested in isolation and thus optimized more effortlessly. The mo ...
The Scannerless Generalized-LR (SGLR) parsing algorithm allows parsing of declarative and modular syntax definitions. However, SGLR is notorious for having low performance, negatively impacting its adoption in practice. This paper presents several performance optimizations for JS ...

Undoing Software Engineering

Demodularization of a SGLR Parser for Performance Gains

JSGLR2 is a java implementation of the Scannerless Generalized LR-parsing (SGLR) algorithm. It employs a modular architecture. This architecture comes with a performance overhead for letting multiple components interact with each other. This paper looks into the size of the perfo ...