20 records found



Linguistic Abstractions for Web Programming

Information systems store and organize data, and manage business processes concerned with that data. Information systems aim to support operations, management and decision-making in organizations. Web applications are ideal for implementing information systems. Although existing ...

Eating Your Own Dog Food

WebDSL Case Studies to Improve Academic Workflows

SDF, Stratego and Spoofax provide a platform for development of domain-specific programming languages. On this platform, the WebDSL project started out as a case study in language engineering, and grew into a reliable tool for rapid prototyping and continuous development of we ...

Conf Researchr

A Domain-Specific Content Management System for Managing Large Conference Websites

Conferences are great opportunities for sharing research, debating solutions, and networking. For the organizing committee there is a considerable deal of complexity and effort required to provide attendees and organizers with ways to find and manage programs, sessions, papers ...

Evolution of the WebDSL runtime

Reliability engineering of the WebDSL web programming language

Web applications are ideal for implementing information systems; they can organize and persist the data in a database, do not require installation on client machines, and can be instantly updated everywhere. However, web programming is complex due to its heterogeneous nature, ...


Incremental and eventual computation of derived values in persistent object graphs

Derived values are values calculated from base values. They can be expressed in object-oriented languages by means of getters calculating the derived value, and in relational or logic databases by means of (materialized) views. However, switching to a different calculation str ...


WebDSL is a DSL for creating web applications, combining many different aspects and domains of web design in a single language. The dynamic semantics of this language are not defined, despite multiple attempts, abandoned due to complexity of the language and lack of expression of ...
Programmers spend significantly more time trying to comprehend existing code than writing new code. They gain an understanding of the code by navigating the code base in an IDE, by reading documentation online, and by browsing code repositories on websites such as GitHub. To crea ...
Reusable tools for engineering software languages can bridge the gap between formal specification and implementation, lowering the bar for engineers to design and implement programming languages. Among such tools belong NaBL2 and its successor Statix, which are meta-languages for ...
The front-end of a compiler reads the source program and performs analyses such as type checking. The goal of the front-end is to check for the presence of syntactic and semantic errors before the program is passed to the back-end of the compiler for tasks such as optimization an ...

Native WebLab

Safe Execution of Native Code in WebLab

WebLab is a system where students can write and test code using an online interface. Course coordinators can create assignments and exams, where they can define automated tests to verify that the student code meets requirements. As WebLab only offered support for programming lang ...