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S. Dumančić

62 records found


Increasing global food demand, accompanied by the limited number of expert growers, brings the need for more sustainable and efficient horticulture. The controlled environment of greenhouses enable data collection and precise control. For optimally controlling the greenhouse c ...

Inductive logic programming (ILP) is a form of machine learning. The goal of ILP is to induce a hypothesis (a set of logical rules) that generalises training examples. As ILP turns 30, we provide a new introduction to the field. We introduce the necessary logical notation and ...

Inductive logic programming (ILP) is a form of logic-based machine learning. The goal is to induce a hypothesis (a logic program) that generalises given training examples and background knowledge. As ILP turns 30, we review the last decade of research. We focus on (i) new meta-le ...


Brute, A state-of-the-art inductive program synthesis (IPS) system, introduced a two-phase algorithm; first, complex pro- gram instructions are invented from basic instructions. Sec- ond, a best-first search algorithm finds a sequence of invented instructions to solve an IPS task ...
Search based synthesis has emerged as a powerful tool in program synthesis, the process of automatically generating implementations for software programs given some form of semantic specification. Search based synthesis involves a search over the space of candidate programs that ...
Inductive Program Synthesis is the problem of generating programs from
a set of input-output examples. Since it can be reduced to the search problem in the space of programs, many search algorithms have been successfully
applied to it over the years. This paper proposes, ...
In this research the Metropolis-Hastings algorithmis implemented for the problem of program synthesis and compared with Brute, a best-first search, together with multiple other different search algorithms. The implementation and choices of the Metrolpolis-Hastings algo ...
Recently, a new and promising Inductive Program Synthesis (IPS) system, Brute, showed the potential of using a heuristic-based loss function. However, Brute also has its limitations and struggles with escaping local optima. The Monte Carlo Tree Search might offer a solution to th ...
In this thesis, we have defined a symbolic execution technique to automatically generate test suites for programs written in functional programming languages that can find the behavioural differences between a reference implementation and a set of potentially different implementa ...

Economic Greenhouse Decision Support

Embedding a Long Short-Term Memory Network in a Constraint Programming Decision Support System

The increasing global food demand, accompanied by the decreasing number of expert growers, brings the need for more sustainable and efficient solutions in horticulture. Consultancy company Delphy aims to face this challenge by taking a more data-driven approach, by means of auton ...
In this paper, we propose a method for eliciting constraints for arbitrary Domain-Specific Languages (DSL) in Program Synthesis search. We argue that we can successfully predict constraints using a form of attribute-based induction. We also provide a novel approach to constraint ...
In recent months, researchers developed several new search procedures to augment the process of program synthesis. While many of them performed better than their predecessors, the proposed solutions are still far from ideal. One possible way of overcoming the shortcomings of sing ...
Program synthesis is used in various ways to automate repetitive tasks or to generate software automatically. Search-based program synthesis constitutes searching the space of candidate programs created from a given language. However, this form of program synthesis is very expens ...
Design pattern provide an abstraction that the pro- gram synthesis algorithm can use in order to find programs easier. However, coming up with them is difficult as they are domain-specific. This paper showcases a novel approach to creating design pat- terns through the means of g ...
Program Synthesis is a challenging problem in Artificial Intelligence. An important element of a program synthesizer is the objective function that guides the combinatorial search for a program that satisfies a given user intent. Given multiple I/O example transformations that co ...
A recent development in program synthesis is using Monte Carlo Tree Search to traverse the search tree of possible programs in order to efficiently find a program that will successfully transform the given input to the desired output. Previous research has shown promising results ...
VanillaGP is an Inductive Program Synthesis algorithm that takes a Genetic Algorithm (GA) approach by using its 3 components: selection, mutation, and crossover. Many different alternatives exist for these components and although this is not the only application of a GAs on the P ...
Inductive Program Synthesis (IPS) has been implemented by a two-stage search algorithm, Brute, and consequently improved upon with a Large Neighborhood Search (LNS) technique, in an algorithm named Vlute. Unmotivated values and design choices within Vlute caused limitations on th ...
This paper addresses the problem of Inductive Synthesis by analysing the Metropolis-Hastings stochastic search algorithm. The goal of Inductive Synthesis is to generate programs whose intended behaviour is established through the use of input and output examples. The Metropolis-H ...
The increased heat on an integrated circuit is a limiting factor for the performance and lifetime of a chip. The increased power density on chips resulted in increased heat and the formation of non-uniform hotspots. Earlier research has shown that the package design and layout of ...