58 records found


In today’s environment of growing class sizes due to the prevalence of online and e-learning systems, providing one-to-one instruction and feedback has become a challenging task for teachers. Anyhow, the dialectical integration of instruction and assessment into a seamless and ...

Transformer-based pre-trained models have recently achieved great results in solving many software engineering tasks including automatic code completion which is a staple in a developer’s toolkit. While many have striven to improve the code-understanding abilities of such models, ...


An Intelligent Tool for Categorizing Issues Reports using Transformers

Users use Issue Tracking Systems to keep track and manage issue reports in their repositories. An issue is a rich source of software information that contains different reports including a problem, a request for new features, or merely a question about the software product. As ...

Software repositories such as GitHub host a large number of software entities. Developers collaboratively discuss, implement, use, and share these entities. Proper documentation plays an important role in successful software management and maintenance. Users exploit Issue Trac ...


Multi-token Code Completion by Jointly learning from Structure and Naming Sequences

Code completion is an essential feature of IDEs, yet current auto-completers are restricted to either grammar-based or NLP-based single token completions. Both approaches have significant draw-backs: grammar-based autocompletion is restricted in dynamically-typed language envi ...

NLP-based models have been increasingly incorporated to address SE problems. These models are either employed in the SE domain with little to no change, or they are greatly tailored to source code and its unique characteristics. Many of these approaches are considered to be outpe ...

An issue report documents the discussions around required changes in issue-tracking systems, while a commit contains the change itself in the version control systems. Recovering links between issues and commits can facilitate many software evolution tasks such as bug localizat ...

Many platforms exploit collaborative tagging to provide their users with faster and more accurate results while searching or navigating. Tags can communicate different concepts such as the main features, technologies, functionality, and the goal of a software repository. Recen ...

The lack of proper documentation makes program comprehension a cumbersome process for developers. Source code summarization is one of the existing solutions to this problem. Many approaches have been proposed to summarize source code in recent years. A prevalent weakness of th ...

Community Question Answering platforms such as Stack Overflow help a wide range of users solve their challenges on-line. As the popularity of these communities has grown over the years, both the number of members and posts have escalated. Also, due to the diverse backgrounds, ...


Software Question & Answer platforms such as Stack Overflow allow users to annotate their posts with tags in order to help organize them and aid in their discoverability. This work sets out to study the machine learning techniques used to determine these tags automatically, a ...
The users of the most widespread Software Engineering dedicated forum, Stack Overflow (SO), are confronted by the issue of posting duplicate questions and spending time waiting for an answer. Currently, only the SO users with a high reputation and the moderators manually determin ...

Time is Money

A similar repository recommender system that saves development time using tag hierarchies

Developers do not want to reinvent the wheel when developing software systems. Open-source software repositories are packed with resources that may assist developers with their work. Since Github enabled repository tagging, a new opportunity arose to help developers find the need ...
Programmers and software engineers often share code and one of the largest platforms on which this happens is GitHub, with an 87,58\% market share in the Source Code Management Category. One important part of sharing code is making sure that others who might be interested in it a ...
Automatic code completions are a widely used feature when programming code efficiently. These completions can be made by various code language models, and these can be differentiated in three categories: single token completion, statement (line) completion and block completions. T ...
State-of-the-art machine learning-based models provide automatic intelligent code completion based on large pre-trained language models. The theoretical accuracy of these models reaches 70%. However, the research on the practicality of these models is limited. Our paper will disc ...
A lot of models have been proposed to automatically complete code with promising evaluation results when tested in isolation on testing sets. This research aims to evaluate the performance of these models when used by developers when programming. Are these models still useful for ...
Code Completion is advancing constantly, with new research coming out all the time. One such advancement is CodeFill, which converts source files into token sequences for type prediction. To train the CodeFill model, a lot of source files are needed which take a long time to conv ...
Numerous papers have empirically studied the performance of deep learning based code completion models. However, none of these papers considered nor investigated whether good performance on statically typed languages translates to good performance on dynamically typed languages. ...
Reverse engineering binaries is required to understand and analyse programs for which the source code is unavailable. Decompilers can transform the largely unreadable binaries into a more readable source code-like representation. However, many aspects of source code, such as vari ...