
L.J.J. van Iersel

16 records found

This thesis is on the subject of phylogenetic networks. These are schematic
visualisations used mainly to investigate the evolutionary history of species,
but which can be used for any set of distinguishable elements which have diverged from a common ancestor through some ...

Optimising OR planning

Sequencing surgery groups while levelling bed occupancy

This research is conducted in collaboration with the Sophia Children's Hospital (SCH). The hospital wants to provide their patients with more detailed information about when a patient is approximately scheduled to have a surgery. The first step is to create a model which optimise ...
In this thesis we develop a Bayesian approach to graph contrastive learning and propose a new uncertainty measure based on the disagreement in likelihood due to different positive samples. Moreover, we extend contrastive learning to simplicial complexes and show that it can be u ...
The minimum vertex cover problem (MinVertexCover) is an important optimization problem in graph theory, with applications in numerous fields outside of mathematics. As MinVertexCover is an NP-hard problem, there currently exists no efficient algorithm to find an optimal solution ...

The "Number Hides Game" on a Tree

A bachelor thesis in game theory

The "Number Hides Game" (NHG) is 2-player game played on a board that consists of a row of p consecutive coins. Player I and player II simultaneously choose subsets of m and n consecutive coins respectively. Player II pays the number of coins that lie in the intersection of the s ...
Shunting yards are the locations where trains, which are not included in the train schedule at a certain time, are parked until they are required again. Managing the parking of the trains such that all trains can leave at the desired time is a complicated task, and results in the ...
Over the past century various different discrepancies in the expected and observed behaviour of galaxies and galaxy clusters were found. Together this is called the missing mass problem and the most well known theory trying to explain these differences states that there is additi ...
ILP-based solvers that intake a line planning, an infrastructure and a set of constraints and then output a cyclic train timetable have been researched extensively in the world of trains. However, these types of solvers are not able to automatically output a timetable when the pr ...
In (mathematical) physics one can encounter problems with a fase change, the so called Stefan problems. Numerical methods to solve these problems often use a level-set function which indicates the distance to the fase boundary. Problems can arise in the medial axis points of the ...
Al ruim een half jaar houdt het de hele wereld in zijn greep: het Corona virus. Waar we dachten dat het allemaal begon als een onschuldige griep, werd al snel duidelijk dat er meer aan de hand was. Wuhan kampte al een tijdje met dit onbekende virus en op 23 ja ...
In dit project is gewerkt aan een manier om de reflectie van het licht op de textuur van een zonnecel te berekenen. Deze reflectie is berekenend voor de verschillende hoeken van inval en uitval en omgezet in een reflectie matrix. In dit
project is verder gewerkt aan een al be ...
Cancer is a disease that one of every three people will get in The Netherlands. One of the treatment methods for this disease is radiotherapy. Approximately half of all cancer patients will get radiotherapy at some point of their treatment. During radiotherapy cancer cells are de ...

Predicting Football Outcomes

With Bayesian Networks

In this thesis Bayesian Networks are used to predict European football matches between the years 2008 and 2016. The goal of this research is to see how the structures learned by different Bayesian Network learning algorithms influences the predictions. First the data is explored ...
We investigate the use of relaxed decision diagrams for obtaining lower bounds on multi-machine scheduling problems. The type of scheduling problem we consider models a railway service site where maintenance jobs are performed, but is sufficiently general to potentially have wide ...
A recent development in the field of discrete optimization is the combined use of (binary) decision diagrams (DD) and branch and bound for optimization. This method has been shown to outperform integer linear programming on several classic problems. The performance of DDs in inte ...