J. Mulderij

14 records found


Moving Trains like Pebbles

A Feasibility Study on Tree Yards

The Train Unit Shunting Problem concerns the parking of trains outside their scheduled use on so-called shunting yards. This is an NP-hard problem, and the current algorithm used by the Netherlands Railways cannot detect whether an instance is infeasible. So, infeasible instan ...


A train unit shunting and servicing simulator

When trains are finished with their transportation tasks during the day, they are moved to a shunting yard where they are routed, parked, cleaned, subject to regular maintenance checks and repaired during the night. The resulting Train Unit Shunting and Servicing problem motiv ...

In quantum circuit design, the question arises how to distribute qubits, used in algorithms, over the various quantum computers, and how to order them within a quantum computer. In order to evaluate these problems, we define the global and local reordering problems for distrib ...


Shunting yards are the locations where trains, which are not included in the train schedule at a certain time, are parked until they are required again. Managing the parking of the trains such that all trains can leave at the desired time is a complicated task, and results in the ...
This paper extends the Multi-Agent Pathfinding (MAPF) algorithm, A*+ID+OD, to be able to solve problems with matching. This extension still keeps the optimal and completeness properties of the original algorithm. Matching is added to the algorithm in both an exhaustive and heuris ...
Both the assignment problem and the multi-agent pathfinding problem are common problems in the fields of robotics and transportation. The joint problem of multi-agent pathfinding extended with the assignment of goals to agents, matching, is something that has not been studied muc ...
For the Multi-Agent Pathfinding (MAPF) problem, a set of non-colliding paths must be found for multiple agents. In Multi-Agent Pathfinding with Matching (MAPFM), this problem is extended: agents and goals are added to a team and each agent has to navigate to a goal that belongs t ...
Currently, literature regarding Multiagent Path Finding (MAPF) does not give a broad enough overview of all the different approaches. Many papers are hard to read and require proper knowledge of MAPF. The goal of this report is to give a global overview of MAPF. To achieve this g ...
Multi-Agent Pathfinding (MAPF) is a problem in which the goal is to plan paths for distinct agents while avoiding collisions between agents. We consider a new variation of MAPF, namely MAPF with multiple waypoints (MAPFW), where agents are required to visit a set of intermediary ...
Multi-Agent Path Finding with Way-points (MAPFW) is the problem of routing agents through a graph past a set of waypoint to a goal location, without agents colliding, with the shortest combined path length. This problem has to the authors knowledge not been investigated yet even ...
Little to no research has been done on the multi-agent path finding with waypoints problem (MAPFW) even though it has many important real world applications. In this paper we extend an existing algorithm for the multi-agent path finding problem (MAPF) called M* \cite{New}. We do ...
In the multi-agent pathfinding (MAPF) problem, agents have to traverse a graph to a goal location without running into each other. Currently, the Branch-and-Cut-and-Price-MAPF (BCP-MAPF) algorithm is the state-of-the-art algorithm for solving MAPF problems, which uses Branch-Pric ...
The Multi-Agent Path Finding (MAPF) problem is a problem in which a route must be found for multiple agents such that they do not collide. The Multi-Agent PathFinding with Waypoints problem extends this problem by adding waypoints that the agents must visit before travelling to t ...
In the field of cooperative multi-agent pathfinding (MAPF) the optimal set of non-conflicting paths must be found for a set of agents in a graph. The addition of waypoints to this problem (MAPFW) gives rise to the possibility of more complex applications, such as in vehicle routi ...