
B. van den Dries

38 records found


Mass-spring systems are commonly used in structural components. Understanding their characteristics and pitfalls is an important issue, combining physics and mathematics to prevent such systems from resonating and causing structures to weaken or collapse. This way, suitable solut ...
The numerical errors involving the application of the level-set method to a problem can be minimized by fitting a mesh (usually a triangular mesh in two dimensions) to the zero level-set curve defined by the level-set function. These numerical errors depend on two things: the siz ...

DNA Data Storage using Hamming and Reed-Solomon Codes

DNA Data Opslag met Hamming en Reed-Solomon Codes

Nowadays, enormous amounts of data are produced on a daily basis. Whether it is a cute family
picture, a funny cat video, or a scientic paper, all of the data is stored. The challenge in data
storage nowadays is about nding a way to store a lot of data, in such a way that ...
Interest in phylogenetic trees for histories of species and DNA has spawned many problems, one of which is TreeContainment; a problem that asks whether a tree is contained within a network. The TreeContainment problem is proven to be NP-hard for general trees and networks, howev ...
This thesis focusses on good ultrafilters. Firstly ultrafilters are introduced and the definition of a good ultrafilter is given. Next the proof that good ultrafilters exists is discussed. Lastly it is shown that good ultrafilters make ultraproducts saturated. 
In applying the level-set method in the context of a finite-element method, errors can be minimized by adjusting the mesh to the shape of the level-set curve. The size of the different types of errors that occur depend on the goodness of fit to the zero levelset curve, the skewne ...
Melvin Dresher beschouwde in zijn boek uit 1961 over speltheorie een getallenraadspel over N getallen. Hij liet zien hoe de optimale strategieën van beide spelers kon worden gevonden met behulp van lineair programmeren. Later toonde Selmer Johnson oplossingen voor N<=11 en mer ...
Chemotaxis is een verschijnsel uit de biologie dat zich op verschillende wijze
voordoet in het menselijk lichaam en bij bacteriën. Er is onderzocht hoe het
ééndimensionaal geval op te lossen is met de discontinue Galerkinmethode. Hierin
is het model eerst behoorlijk v ...
This research presents a data-driven model for the magnetic signature of an object, consisting of linearly reacting isotropicmaterial. From magnetostatics mathematical-physical model is derived for the linear behaviour of the induced magnetization. Data-driven updates for the per ...
Over the past three decades, the singular value decomposition has been increasingly used for various big data applications. As it allows for rank reduction of the input data matrix, it is not only able to compress the information contained, but can even reveal underlying patterns ...
Schur multipliers are a concept from functional analysis that have various uses in mathematics. In this thesis we provide an introduction of the aforementioned Schur multipliers and the associated Schatten p-classes. We prove a number of results and introduce some concepts of fun ...
There are several ways to write the number 5 as a sum of positive integers, disregarding order. A quick calculation shows that this can be done in 7 ways: 5 = 5, 5 = 4 + 1, 5 = 3 + 2, 5 = 3 + 1 + 1, 5 = 2 + 2 + 1, 5 = 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 and 5 = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1. In the same way, we c ...
When is a deck of cards shuffled good enough? We have to perform seven Riffle Shuffles to randomize a deck of 52 cards. The mathematics used to calculate this, has some strong connections with permutations, rising sequences and the L1 metric: the variation distance. If we combine ...

Uncertainty analysis in determining the position of a drill bit

Het bepalen van de onzekerheden bij het bepalen van de positie van een boorkop

In well-bore engineering, oil-well boreholes are made using specialized drilling rigs. The position of the drill bit needs to be indirectly determined through accelero- and magnetometer measurements. To this end, the measurement data is first converted into a survey of direction ...
Akiyama’s Nim is een 3d versie van een onpartijdig combinatorisch spel genaamd Wythoffs Nim. Het spel van Wythoff kan met twee stapels munten gespeeld worden. Elke positie in dit spel komt overeen met een getal dat als temperatuur te zien is waarbij posities met temperatuur 0 kou ...
The NV-center in diamond is a promising system for quantum information processing. The typical qubits are the electron spin in the NV-center and the surrounding 13C nuclear spins. Fast and precise control of many 13C spins is desirable but challenging due to crosstalk. Crosstalk ...

Powerfactorverbetering in elektrische netwerken

Pf - verbetering onder niet sinus-vormige omstandigheden

Een BacheloreindProject over het verbeteren van de powerfactor in elektrische netwerken. Door een groter aantal frequenties in de spanning óf door bepaalde componenten in de belasting is er een compenserend gedeelte in het netwerk nodig en / of mogelijk. Met welke schakelingen, c ...
Allerlei diffusieverschijnselen in de natuurkunde kunnen omschreven worden
met de Poissonvergelijking op een gebied met te kiezen randvoorwaarden. Er zijn echter ook verschijnselen waarin er een gelaagdheid optreedt zodat er in verticale
richting minder makkelijk diffusie ...


Computationally Feasible Approximate Bagging with Neural Networks

Overfitting is a common problem when learning models from noisy observational data. This problem is especially present in very flexible models, such as Neural Networks, which can easily fit to spurious patterns in the data that are not indicative of true underlying patterns. One ...
This report is a discussion of the 1984 report 'An automatic proof procedure for several geometries' by Th. Bruyn and H.L. Claasen, inspired by a personal desire to understand the work of Th. Bruyn. See: